Unifi 6 Lite won't boot after install

When following the instructions at https://openwrt.org/toh/ubiquiti/unifi6lite#installation the access points wont boot.. I recovered using tftp to version 5.43.19 and tried again with no joy.
I verified cat /proc/mtd with
bs at /dev/mtdblock4
kernel0 at /dev/mtdblock6
kernel1 at /dev/mtdblock7
Is the serial cable needed to install the initramfs?

an initramfs isn't intended for installation, but for RAM boot.
you usually install the factory/sysupgrade image when you booted the initramfs.


There has been a bug in mt7621 which would bite you with a snapshot image built within the last 3-4 days. Make sure to use an image containing:

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Thanks for the information, the snapshot from 2/1/2022 didn't include the commit. I was able to flash the release version, and it is working.

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