I bricked my router.
The same router seems to be covered here and in a few other threads but I haven't seen anyone with this particular issue.
Due to my own actions I seem to have bricked my router (messed a bit too much with the firmware) and it is now boot looping. The green power led turns on for about 10 seconds, turns off for a second. Then all leds turn green, then one turns orange. And then it's just the one green power led again.
I haven't tried TFTP yet, but I have been trying to use a flipper zero as a UART - USB bridge but I've only been able to read garbage. Each boot I read about 2000 bytes of nonhuman-readable bytes.
You're right I just realized where I messed up. Flipper zero is taking the baud rate from my host, which is using screen configured with 9600.
I now tried using minicom with those exact settings, and I am seeing some repeated patterns. But it's still not readable. I'll keep missing with the settings and other serial consoles for a bit.