Uci are Great but. who to open nat port simple command

Hello to all
who to open port from wan to lan

example uci code.
uci add firewall redirect
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].config redirect
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option target 'DNAT'
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option src 'wan'
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option src_ip '{0}'", externalip
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option dest 'lan'
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option proto 'tcp udp'
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option dest_ip '{0}'", ipRusers
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option dest_port '{0}',LanPort
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option name 'Acc-{0}-{1}'",LanIP,externalip
uci set firewall.@redirect[-1].option src_dport '{0}'",ExternalPort
uci commit firewall
service firewall restart

on Standart Linux are more simple.

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s {2} -i ens33 -p tcp --dport {1} -j DNAT --to-destination {0}:{3}", iplancompu, externalport, externalip,Internalport

is posible make a easy comand for redirect?