Travelmate support thread

I'm on vacay and buildt an image of openwrt with 2.1.1-2.

When I chose WPA2 Pers. TKIP, it says WPA2 Ent. TKIP.

Wireless config itself seem to be ok - WPA2 Pers. forced TKIP.

Not related, but my iphone insists this network is using TKIP, whereas Openwrt seems to connect fine with either TKIP or .

Thanks, the typo has been fixed in LuCI master and 23.05 branch with this commit


I've just started using Travelmate (version 2.1.0) today and already ran into an issue.

If the wireless network I am connected to stops transmitting its signal (or is out of range) for a period of time, then after a set number of retries that wireless network is being set to "Enabled -> No" in the "Wireless Stations" tab of Travelmate and then Travelmate will no longer connect to that wireless network.

I am reading here about a "Faulty Stations" list, which can automatically be reset "after n minutes", with the default being 0 = no reset.

However, I am finding myself incapable of locating that list and the minutes value.

Can anyone please assist me?

Well, the doc seems to be out of sync ... the option doesn't exist anymore. You can define a connection/retry limit (default 3), e.g.
... the special logic with '0' has been removed, too. This leads to AP-lockouts, esp. on devices with only one radio. Just raise the retry limit ...

Edit: and please update to the current version 2.1.1 which includes many fixes and vpn improvements.

Many thanks for replying to my post!

I have now switched to OpenWrt 23.05.2, so the version of Travelmate that got installed is 2.1.1-2.

Unfortunately, the Connection Limit value is not something that solves my problem.
The maximum value accepted via LuCi is 10 retries. (I haven't tested what happens if I modify /etc/config/travelmate directly)
But even if it could be extended to retry for hours it would not be a solution. Eventually that network would still be disabled if it doesn't reappear in time and also there is no point in retrying to connect to a currently unavailable network for a long period of time if the router could instead connect to another available wireless network right away. So the default retry value of 3 is probably a sensible choice.

The thing is that with the logic that is currently implemented in Travelmate all the wireless networks I have added to the Wireless Stations list will likely have been disabled after a few days and then the router can't establish an Internet connection anymore and turns itself into a useless brick, until I get a chance to log into the router and manually enable the networks in the Wireless Stations list again.

When do these AP-lockouts you mentioned actually become a problem? Is it only if none of the networks in the list is available and Travelmate goes through the list of wireless stations over and over?

Would it be possible to reimplement an option that allows for automatic re-enabling of disabled networks after a set time? Basically just for people who don't care about the side effects, but only care about keeping the configured connections (Wireless Stations) operational indefinitely.

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also just started using Travelmate in the last days. Amazing project, thank you very much for this!!

However, I have a problem with scanning for wireless stations in Travelmate. I did many tests and tried to narrow it down:
Only if I am connected to an AP on the same radio (i know not ideal) i get the error "No scan results (timeout)".

If I am connected via RJ45 the scan works perfect. Also the regular wireless scan (Network -> Wireless -> Scan) always works.

I already tried to increase the travelmate timeout in additional settings but no change, sometimes the error already shows up after 5 seconds. Nothing in the verbose logs of travelmate.

OpenWrt: 23.05.2
Travelmate: 2.1.1-2
Router: GL-MT300N-V2
Radio: MT7628

Would be great if anybody could help me to get this working. Thanks!

Did you follow these instructions from here?

* **Please note:** before you start with travelmate ...
  * you should setup at least one Access Point, ideally on a separate radio,
  * if you're updating from a former 1.x release, please use the '--force-reinstall --force-maintainer' options in opkg,
  * and remove any existing travelmate related uplink stations in your wireless config manually
* download [travelmate](
* download [luci-app-travelmate](
* install both packages (*opkg install travelmate*, *opkg install luci-app-travelmate*)
* the LuCI application is located under the 'Services' menu
* start the travelmate 'Interface Wizard' once
* add multiple uplink stations as you like via the 'Wireless Stations' tab
* happy traveling ...

Only use the wizard once.

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Not reproducible with my GL-MT300N-V2, please provide your wireless and your travelmate config, remove pw, macs etc.

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Thanks for your replies!
yes, I followed the guide and only started the wizzard once.
I have started all over 3x already, with a minimized config (no vpn, no other packages,...) but the issue remains the same.

Wireless config:

config wifi-device 'radio0'
	option type 'mac80211'
	option path 'platform/10300000.wmac'
	option channel '3'
	option band '2g'
	option htmode 'HT20'
	option cell_density '0'
	option country 'AT'

config wifi-iface 'wifinet0'
	option device 'radio0'
	option mode 'ap'
	option ssid 'testtest'
	option encryption 'psk2'
	option key '<removed>'
	option network 'lan'

Travelmate config:

config travelmate 'global'
	option trm_enabled '1'
	option trm_captive '1'
	option trm_proactive '0'
	option trm_netcheck '0'
	option trm_autoadd '0'
	option trm_mail '0'
	option trm_debug '1'
	option trm_iface 'trm_wwan'
	option trm_vpn '1'
	option trm_randomize '0'

Network config:

config interface 'loopback'
	option device 'lo'
	option proto 'static'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''

config globals 'globals'
	option ula_prefix 'fd37:4cd0:46f2::/48'

config device
	option name 'br-lan'
	option type 'bridge'
	list ports 'eth0.1'

config interface 'lan'
	option device 'br-lan'
	option proto 'static'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''
	option ip6assign '60'

config interface 'wan'
	option device 'eth0.2'
	option proto 'dhcp'

config interface 'wan6'
	option device 'eth0.2'
	option proto 'dhcpv6'

config switch
	option name 'switch0'
	option reset '1'
	option enable_vlan '1'

config switch_vlan
	option device 'switch0'
	option vlan '1'
	option ports '1 6t'

config switch_vlan
	option device 'switch0'
	option vlan '2'
	option ports '0 6t'

config interface 'trm_wwan'
	option proto 'dhcp'
	option metric '100'

config interface 'trm_wwan6'
	option device '@trm_wwan'
	option proto 'dhcpv6'

just found out something interesting:
If I create a normal client mode connection outside of travelmate (Network->Wireless->Scan->Join) and connect to it then I can successfully scan wireless stations in travelmate.
As soon as this connection gets disabled also the scan in travelmate stops working again.
It almost seems like it needs a non-ap connection for a successful scan.

Does this make sense to anyone?

Hi I started a forum post about this. I think I experience the same problem with my TP-WR802n v4. If it's connected to a WLAN or the LAN is connected the scan within travelmate works great. But as soon as I have no connection on WLAN of LAN the scan function within Travelmate doesn't work. However if I go to the (Network-> wireless) scan it does find the networks. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my router has one radio? it only has one 2.4Ghz. What about yours? Any help or tweaking of this problem would be great appreciated.

Thanks for the input, I'm able to reproduce the issue on low power devices with a single radiio...will provide a fix in the next couple of days.


@Delphius @timeswa

Fixed in travelmate 2.1.2-1 in master branch and backported to 23.05 branch as well, please update travelmate core and luci app in parallel.

Edit: for reference


Hi, thanks for the update, haven't been using Travelmate that long yet.

I just updated the software packages in my D-Link DAP-X1860 A1 running 23.05.2, but I didn't see any updates for Travelmate yet. But is that the correct way to install these patches or should I do it manually somehow?

Update, just checked what I have installed:
travelmate 2.1.1-2
luci-app-travelmate git-23.338.73324-2f0529f

Just wait until the buildbots have rebuilt the package for your arch ...

Thanks, will do!

Out of curiosity, does the radio connectivity checking cause flash writes? All the documentation I can find on this with the older auto-scan or button scripts had them use uci commit. I've got a router I'd love to run this on but I'm worried that with my use case (rebooted & moved between different APs a lot) it'd be causing lots of flash writes and my jffs2 partition is quite small with all my packages so it'd be focused.

If it does write to flash, what actions does it perform that require it? Just enabling/disabling a client or does periodic scanning of each possible AP need config changes?

Just tested it and it seems to be working. Thanks for the quick fix!

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Just tested and can confirm everything is working now. Many thanks for the quick repair!!

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I am running OpenWrt 23.05.0 and TravelMate 2.1.2-2 on a RP-WD009. TravelMate itself is working fine. I installed OpenVPN 2.5.8-4 and got it connecting to my OpenVPN server. However, I am missing the steps to enable the TravelMate VPN Hook for specific wireless stations. If I edit a TravelMate Wireless Station, I can enable VPN Hook and select VPN Server=openvpn, but do not see tun0 under VPN Interface - I am offered lan, trm_wwan, trm_wwan6, and wwan (no interfaces attached). It makes no difference if I try to enable the VPN Hook while OpenVPN is started (tun0 interface exists) or is stopped (tun0 interface disappears). I tried adding option vpniface 'tun0' in /etc/config/travelmate in the uplink sections but that did not help. Ext. Hooks is showing an 'X' - not sure what I should do to enable that option. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

My TravelMate configuration:

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# uci show travelmate'1''1''1''0''0''0''1''trm_wwan''1''0''radio1 radio0'
travelmate.@uplink[0].ssid='Gone Wireless2'
travelmate.@uplink[1].ssid='Gone Wireless5'
travelmate.@uplink[2].ssid='Gone Wireless 2A'

The following debug log repeats every time TravelMate checks the raio1 uplink.

Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setdev  ::: radio: radio0, radio_list(cnf/cur): radio1 radio0/radio1 radio0, disabled: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setdev  ::: radio: radio1, radio_list(cnf/cur): radio1 radio0/radio1 radio0, disabled: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getvpn  ::: iface: loopback, proto: static, device: lo, vpn_ifacelist: -, vpn_infolist: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getvpn  ::: iface: lan, proto: static, device: br-lan, vpn_ifacelist: -, vpn_infolist: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getvpn  ::: iface: wwan, proto: dhcp, device: -, vpn_ifacelist: -, vpn_infolist: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getvpn  ::: iface: trm_wwan, proto: dhcp, device: -, vpn_ifacelist: -, vpn_infolist: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getvpn  ::: iface: trm_wwan6, proto: dhcpv6, device: @trm_wwan, vpn_ifacelist: -, vpn_infolist: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_env     ::: auto_sta: -, wpa_flags: sae: ✔, owe: ✔, eap: ✘, suiteb192: ✘, sys_ver: RAVPower RP-WD009, OpenWrt 23.05.0 r23497-6637af95aa
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: false, section: , uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:19 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_net     ::: fetch: /usr/bin/curl, timeout: 5, cp (json/html/js): -/-/-, result: net ok, error (rc/msg): 0/-, url:, user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:20 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_mac     ::: action: get, section: trm_uplink4, macaddr: -, result: 02:1C:C2:4F:E1:E0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:20 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: connected (net ok/100), section: trm_uplink4, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:20 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: vpn, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:20 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_jsnup   ::: section: trm_uplink4, status: connected (net ok/100), sta_iface: trm_wwan, sta_radio: radio1, sta_essid: Gone Wireless5, sta_bssid: -, ntp: 1, vpn: 1/0, mail: 0/0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:20 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_check   ::: mode: initial, name: phy1-sta0, status: true, enabled: 1, connection: net ok/100, wait: 1, max_wait: 30, min_quality: 35, captive: 1, netcheck: 0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:20 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_main-1  ::: status: true, proactive: 1
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: , section: default_radio0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start, result: 2024.01.31-17:17:46, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end, result: -, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setif   ::: enabled: 1, section: default_radio0, active_sta: -, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: , section: default_radio1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start, result: 2024.01.31-17:17:46, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end, result: -, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setif   ::: enabled: 1, section: default_radio1, active_sta: -, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: , section: trm_uplink5, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start, result: 2024.01.29-13:39:57, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end, result: 2024.01.29-14:09:28, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:21 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setif   ::: enabled: 0, section: trm_uplink5, active_sta: -, uplink_config: @uplink[2]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: , section: trm_uplink4, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start, result: 2024.01.31-17:17:46, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end, result: -, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setif   ::: enabled: 1, section: trm_uplink4, active_sta: trm_uplink4, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: , section: trm_uplink3, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start, result: 2024.01.30-13:15:30, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end, result: 2024.01.30-14:02:50, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setif   ::: enabled: 1, section: trm_uplink3, active_sta: trm_uplink4, uplink_config: @uplink[0]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: , section: trm_uplink6, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start, result: 2024.01.30-12:46:34, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end, result: 2024.01.30-13:15:00, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_start_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: con_end_expiry, result: 0, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:22 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_setif   ::: enabled: 1, section: trm_uplink6, active_sta: trm_uplink4, uplink_config: @uplink[3]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getcfg  ::: status: true, section: , uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_getval  ::: option: enabled, result: 1, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_check   ::: mode: dev, name: -, status: true, enabled: 1, connection: net ok/100, wait: 1, max_wait: 30, min_quality: 35, captive: 1, netcheck: 0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_main-2  ::: config_radio: radio1, config_essid: "Gone Wireless5", config_bssid: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_main-3  ::: radio_list: radio1 radio0, sta_list: trm_uplink4-radio1 trm_uplink3-radio0 trm_uplink6-radio0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_mac     ::: action: get, section: trm_uplink4, macaddr: -, result: 02:1C:C2:4F:E1:E0
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_ctrack  ::: action: refresh, uplink_config: @uplink[1]
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_vpn     ::: vpn: 1, enabled: -, action: enable_keep, vpn_service: -, vpn_iface: -, vpn_instance: -, vpn_infolist: -, result: , rc: -
Wed Jan 31 17:40:23 2024 user.debug trm-2.1.2-2[2586]: f_main-4  ::: config_radio: radio1, config_essid: Gone Wireless5, config_bssid: -