Transmission route over VPN

So I read these forum posts: Transmission torrent client through VPN - #19 by nidstigator and Bind Transmission to VPN using VPN Policy-Based Routing - #2 by vgaetera

Its a bit dated, but I could follow what was going on and its still relevant afaict. I understand that with running Transmission over OpenVPN you need to compensate for the changing ip-address of OpenVPN. However the one bit that was odd to me was: if the VPN is stopped for some reason the bind-address is set back to

Why is that ?

The reason was right there in the thread:


  • does anyone know why it grabs 4GB of my memory ?
  • why do I have to restart transmission after boot for it to work ?
  • can I set a delay somewhere?

I do now :wink: there is a setting available in the config called mem_percentage which is not visible in luci. It was set to 50 and 8GB*0,5=4GB. Idk what a good percentage is? but ill set it to 10 for now.

Found the slickest web interface to date and it seems actively maintained to boot: