TP LINK WDR4300v1.7 Bricked

definitly someone scrows with board on plastic writes 1.3v on board 1.7v correction its 1.7 i see ticked on lanports (yellow plastic on board )

its 1,7v

As i understand uart tx goes on board rx?

when i connect tx tx rx rx all 3 leds light up but no nothing in putty

should i connect like these? when leds lights up on uart ?
or like tx on rx and rx on tx what i think sould do?

With my serial converter, i had to connect tx-rx, rx-tx and gnd-gnd.
You will of course see only something on the screen immediately after you power up the router.
If you didn't get anything at all, either your serial converter or the router might be dead.
Try this: Remove the converter from the router and connect only rx and tx on the converter together. Now you should at least get an echo on the screen, whenever you press a key on the keyboard.

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first i have to buy ttl i broke ground pin on ttl :frowning: so nothing for now

i had go crazy characters on putty so i was left only ground to connect i tryes on usb metal didnt work? does can be on some place minuse dc pole or another word ground ? so thats how i broke

Yes you was correct it goes like you say> rx tx, tx rx . thats how i get hieroglifes(not like on foto) it was befor 5 minutes not 3h,but same foto like in putty on first foto , third 3. from start post :slight_smile:

and is still chanse for lan unbrick?

You should go for one with some extra cables...
The pins on the adaptor are a bit fragile, as you have seen.
They shouldn't be bend.
I, for instance, would just solder a new pin to it...but i guess it's not feasible in your case.

can you tell me how to fix with lan cable am really lost hope now please open wrt make me debrickman

Without a working console, so you can see the boot messages and enter commands, it is nearly impossible to do anything from now on.
You need to get your serial converter repaired or replaced, without this it's useless to continue.

Or you could just get a real big hammer or an axe and beat the router with it...several times.
That won't fix the issue, but you'll feel much better afterwards...

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hahaha funny but no :smiley: i will keep in rock untill i get new ttl

thanks for nerv advice :smile: