TP-Link W8968 ADSL configuration

Good evening everyone.
I installed OpenWrt 18.06.1 r7258-5eb055306f / LuCI openwrt-18.06 branch (git-18.228.31946-f64b152) on TP-Link W8968. All is OK, but the problem is that I want to configure the ADSL modem and I do not know how to do the configuration. Reason for which I seek your help.
Help me please

Using Luci Web UI

Go to Network->Interfaces

Confirm Setting under DSL & ATM Bridges (Refer to your ISP provided settings)

Save and Apply

Then Goto Network -> Interfaces ->WAN
set the protocol , username and password provided by your ISP

Save and Apply

Hello and thank you for your answer.
Here's what I see and what I did:
"network" => "interfaces" and there I have 3 interfaces (LAN, WAN and WAN6) and a tab "add new interface".
when I click on "add new interface", I am offered:
-Name of the new interface
-Protocol of the new interface
-Cover the following interface.
Here are some pictures:

You don't need to add any interfaces

Just scroll down the page and you will see the section for DSL and scroll down some more you will see the section for ATM Bridges

I do not see anything that looks like DSL or ATM in network => interfaces, there is nothing lower, here is the whole page:

Or maybe DSL has been named in another way.

Looks like ADSL is not supported on this device

Which hardware version of TD w8968 using

Okey. Could you help me back to my original firm please?

excuse me Rohitdk1998, I did not see your message. This is version 4.
It's written TD-W8968 (EU) Ver: 4.0

I do not master this tftp method. I do a computer training if you can be more precise it would help me and it would be an opportunity for me to learn 2 or 3 novelties

I also new on openwrt but i will try tftp method in next few day.

so what do you propose to me