TP-Link TL-WA901ND ver.4 bricked

can i unbrick with next parameters:
using tftpd

ip on pc is gateway conncted with pc lan an ap lan,
i reset device and on windows7 white lan network icon box on bottom of screen right circle , but on tftpd no informations no nothing, he dont pools

wa901ndv4_tp_recovery.bin which is wa901ndv4


why ? what to do to fix

What region: US/EU/AU ?

I just got something , first i had two _ and two .bin words
am changed now that

it was say:

Connection received from on port 62963 [07/05 12:18:19.080]
Write request for file <C:\Users\WINDOWS7\Desktop\tftpd32.464\wa901ndv4__tp_recovery.bin.bin>. Mode octet [07/05 12:18:19.080]
File <C:\Users\WINDOWS7\Desktop\tftpd32.464\wa901ndv4__tp_recovery.bin.bin> : error 123 in system call CreateFile The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. [07/05 12:18:19.096]


i will try now again, well am happy i see anything on tftpd console it gives me a hope :slight_smile:

Good luck :smiley:

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still nothing program is on run and wa bootloops al time not pooling for file

  1. Try: ArcherC6v2_tp_recovery.bin, might be ArcherC6v4_tp_recovery.bin for you

If that does not work:

  1. try this:
    Archer C6 V2 (EU) bricked/bootloop and adapt to your version.

no pool didnt started its not about name or firmver , i try again now :slight_smile:

i unbricked wa :slight_smile:

Connection received from on port 2859 [08/05 06:53:32.194]
Read request for file <wa901ndv4_tp_recovery.bin>. Mode octet [08/05 06:53:32.205]
Using local port 62134 [08/05 06:53:32.205]
<wa901ndv4_tp_recovery.bin>: sent 7938 blks, 4063744 bytes in 1 s. 0 blk resent [08/05 06:53:33.934]

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Sweet victory :wink:

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