So I resolved to use TFTP mode to load new firmware.
I'm using a Mac, so found Transfer, from Intuitibits which offers a nice GUI with progress indicator. (Pay them the $10 - it's worth it.)
I downloaded the OpenWrt 19.07.7 FACTORY binary, changed its name to ArcherC7v2_tp_recovery.bin, and saved it in the ~/Transfer directory on my Mac (where Transfer saw it immediately).
I set my Mac's Ethernet port to as indicated in the TFTP instructions No Joy.
I used tcpdump -i en7 to look at the traffic on that port (en7 is my Ethernet dongle)
There were ARP requests for - so I switched the Mac's Ethernet to that address.
I re-booted the router holding the WPS/Reset switch again, and this time Transfer showed a download, and a few minutes later, the router was back at
I would not deal with art using jtag. Just restore uboot and load art via tftp and serial console. That way you avoid jtag software problems and writing speeds.