TP-Link Archer C7 AC 1750 V2 help


I tried to flash factory bin openwrt to that router according to the link posted but it says something about wrong version firmware.
All factory firmware has been tried openwrt and tplink with same low speed and after some time in tftp64 says timeout accours.
The problem is when I try to flash again the router comes up and it found ip address but it comes very slow to the main page.
i tried also with tftp64 to flash factory.bin but receive transmit is around 1kb/sec and a lot of times out.I set time out to highest number to see what is going on.
Can someone guide me please what to do next please?

Have you tried inside TP-Link web GUI to flash?

yes,as i says it has written something about wrong version firmware if i remember correctly.

this is the label of router behind.

I don't know what region it is eu,us or non region.

Right now I set it up my usb to ttl and it's ready but i forgot the procedure lol..

Have shortend the firmware filename?

Yes, firmware.bin

Is the latest OEM firmware installed? If so, probably you have to downgrade first and than you can flash openwrt

If I could flash/downgrade the firmware i would be happy,but the problem is the transmit power through ethernet cable is around 1kb per second when I try to flash firmware with tftp64 and after some time it says timeout occurs and nothing happends.
As i remember it was not latest firmware.

If anyone knows how it's be done with usb/ttl adapter?

To hook up your PC to one lan port is the easiest way and speed shouldn't be an issue. Have you read

Yes I read it already,it seems that my router is non region as per label which i uploaded above.

Check inside OEM TP-Link GUI for version and country

Not possible as I wrote above the post.It tries to connect to tplink default page for ever.

No, you wrote something different. You should solve this problem first...

What do you mean by first?To download that specific ddwrt firmware.bin?

Anyone else could help on what is going on with this router?

Your device is certainly non-region based, so this file should be for you

Are you sure you're doing it correctly? For tftp set your pc to have static ip and subnetmask

use this tool

The way I do is like this, only connect one lan cable to router, remove any other lan cable from router.
Download factory file and rename it to ArcherC7v2_tp_recovery.bin.

Run tftp32 program and browse to the folder containing ArcherC7v2_tp_recovery.bin file, and keep it running.

Press and hold WPS/Reset and then power on the router (while still holding the button), look at tftp32 window, it will start transferring the file in about 5-7 seconds, only release the button once file transfer begins. If everything is done correctly, router should boot in about 5 to 10 minutes.

Big thanks Alpha,
That was the perfect firmware for uploading.
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