TP-Link archer c6 v4 openwrt

habrá una version de openwrt

para el TP-Link archer c6 v4 ac1200

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The device is 8/64 flash/ram and won't be supported in future releases because of those limitations. I recommend buying something like the Archer AX23.

Dont get too pre-occupied, OEM supports it:

C6V4 << C6V3 , it is worse than previous HW revision. 8MB flash sets you with tough choices - Wifi XOR LuCI and so on.

Yes I have the Archer C6 Dual Band Wi-Fi Router model AC1200 v4


If they are going to release an openwrt firmware for this model

they're not.

and 8mb flash is a dead end.

Here somebody tore case apart and took on hacking it:
Sad confirmation it is 8MB flash, in the most optimistic case even if it gets openwrt image today it is absolutely unlikely such image will extend useful life of the router over OEM warranty.

and on another side that has 16 mb of flash I don't have it

Are you sure your device is C6v4 and has 16/128? Can you provide proof?

Only way to prove the capacity, is to open it up, unless you can see it in the system log.

How can I see the system logs?

No idea, some devices will show it, some won't.


Archer C6 System Log

Time = 2023-08-24 20:59:41 555s

H-Ver = Archer C6 4.0 : S-Ver = 1.13.2 Build 230824 Rel.75032n(4555)

L = : M =

WAN = DHCP : W = : M = : G =

Cnt = 10624, Free = 10614, Busy = 10

0days, 00:00:05, [tmpd]register tmp app, type: 1
0days, 00:00:05, [portal]portal init

0days, 00:00:05, [lan]LAN: Set interface br-lan0 ip= netmask
0days, 00:00:05, [tmpd]register tmp app, type: 2
0days, 00:00:07, [tmpd]register tmp app, type: 4
0days, 00:00:26, [DSLite]Dslite disable
0days, 00:00:26, [portal]portal not enabled

0days, 00:00:26, [portal]portal stop

0days, 00:00:26, [httpd]Http server start!
0days, 00:03:34, [dhcps]Send OFFER with ip
0days, 00:03:34, [dhcps]Send OFFER with ip
0days, 00:03:34, [dhcps]Send ACK to
0days, 00:03:35, [dhcps]Send ACK to
0days, 00:05:36, [dhcps]Send OFFER with ip
0days, 00:05:37, [dhcps]Send ACK to
0days, 00:08:30, [main]Time has been never setted, fail to start auto update.

that doesn't help much :frowning:

v2 and 3 do have openwrt :roll_eyes:

there is no command to know the router flash

like I said, you might have to open it up.

He sent a message to the tp link technician to see if he could measure the flash memory but open it when he can.

I bought it for openwrt