TP-Link Archer AX23 not in Table of Hardware

When I search for the "TP-Link Archer AX23" in your "Firmware selector", yes it's there:

But when I search for it in your "Table of Hardware", no it's not there:

Addition requested.

Side note:
There are two known hardware versions for this router at present: v1 and v1.2. The same firmware seems to service both equally (as per here)

Is v1 in your firmware selector? Yes. Is V1.2 in your firmware selector? No. Perhaps it should be added.

Version is usually for hw, not sw.

Oops, I meant to say hardware version (revision), not software version, for the TP-link router. :sweat_smile:

Minor revisions are irrelevant concerning OpenWrt for TP-Link hardware. There's no point in adding them to the ToH or firmware selector.