Tor stealth hidden service

I want to serve a Tor hidden service from OpenWrt, which works for me with the configuration like so:

HiddenServiceDir <dir>
HiddenServicePort <port> <ip>:<port>

But if I try to serve it in stealth mode with a configuration like so:

HiddenServiceDir <dir>
HiddenServicePort <port> <ip>:<port>
HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient stealth <client>

then the Tor service refuses to start (with /etc/init.d/tor restart) and the only message in the system log I get is:

Tor[3196]: Catching signal TERM, exiting cleanly.

How can I get stealth mode to work?

Tor package version:
OpenWrt version: 19.07.1

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Yes, I've read through that page. Hidden services described there work fine for me, but they fail if I try to enable stealth mode as described above.

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Turns out hidden service authorisation changed with v3, which is default. Either specify v2 in the configuration, or use v3 as documented:


This helps with key generation:

On macOS, you may need to use openssl@1.1 from homebrew.

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