The future is now: opkg vs apk

Apk has been set as the default package manager a few hours ago, and buildbot has started to crunch images & later also packages.

When thinking at our two-stage buildbot, there are a few things to remember:

  • first the phase1 main OpenWrt & images buildbot needs to build the core images and SDKs for each target. That is hopefully completed today.
  • only after there are the needed SDKs in place, the phase2 packages buildbot can build packages according to the new apk scheme. That may take 2-3 days for some targets. (Until that it will use the existing old opkg based SDK)

So, there may be 1-3 day gap in the package availability in the worst case. That will also prevent imagebuilder, auc, owut, whatever... tool usage if pre-compiled .ipks are needed for the tool.

Also, there will not be opkg compatible package .ipks and package indices for the architectures that already have the new apk compiled packages. So, old already installed main/master snapshots will likely without be package installation possibitilies rather soon.

@aparcar has not yet posted any pinned news on forum, but I think that something might be good to have. He knows best the planned roll-out.