#config Section
wan_device="" #setting a device between the quotation marks disable auto detection, "" autotection
#you can set more then one Wan interface with a comma between the device names for example "eth0,eth1"
bogon="0" #enable Bogon filter "1" enable "0" disable
forward_router="" #Enter here the Ip address/network of the upstream router if you use the Bogon filter and have a forward router.
#You can add multiple ip addresses or networks with a comma betwen the addresses, network format at example
syn_flood="0" #enable syn flood protection
icmp_flood="0" #enable icmp flood protection
udp_flood="0" #enable udp flood protection
port_scan_detection="0" #enable Portscan detection
arp_limit_enable="0" #enable ARP limit "1" enable "0" disable
wan_input_drop_enable="0" #Drops inet input to wan interface
wireguard_input_drop_enable="0" #Drops inet input to wireguard interface
reject_with_icmp="0" #Reject Wan/Wireguard input with Icmp unreachable
arp_limit="1" #accepted ARP request per second and on-the-fly per MAC address
syn_flood_limit="25" #syn flood limit
syn_flood_burst_limit="50" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
icmp_flood_limit="15" #icmp flood limit
icmp_flood_burst_limit="5" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
udp_flood_limit="100" #udp flood limit
udp_flood_burst_limit="50" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
portscan_limit="50" #sets the packet limit before the address is blocked
portscan_drop_time="5m" #Sets the time limit in which the source of the port scan is blocked s=seconds m=minutes h=hours
portscan_src_ports="22" #remote ports for which portscan does not respond
portscan_dst_ports="22" #target ports for which portscan does not respond
bogon_adresses=", \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \"
bogon_ipv6_adresses="::/128, \
::1/128, \
::ffff:0:0/96, \
::/96, \
100::/64, \
2001:10::/28, \
2001:db8::/32, \
fc00::/7, \
fe80::/10, \
fec0::/10, \
#config Section
if [ -z "$wan_device" ]; then
wan_device=$(uci get network.wan.device)
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'netdev' && nft delete table netdev NETDEV && nft delete table inet DDOS
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'block_tcp_portscan' && nft delete table netdev block_tcp_portscan && nft delete table inet tcp_portscan
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'ARP' && nft delete table arp ARP
if [ $arp_limit_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table arp ARP {
chain Arp_limit { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
arp operation 1 meter per-mac { ether saddr limit rate $arp_limit/second burst 2 packets } counter accept
arp operation 1 counter drop
if [ $port_scan_detection -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev block_tcp_portscan {
set enemies4 {
type ipv4_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
set enemies6 {
type ipv6_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
chain portscan_filter {
type filter hook ingress devices = { $wan_device } priority -500;
ip saddr @enemies4 update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop comment "Already known-bad, count it and drop"
ip6 saddr @enemies6 update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop comment "Already known-bad, count it and drop"
meta pkttype unicast tcp flags fin,psh,urg / fin,psh,urg jump input_limit
meta pkttype unicast tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 jump input_limit
chain input_limit {
limit rate $portscan_limit/second counter return
update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet tcp_portscan {
set enemies4 {
type ipv4_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
set enemies6 {
type ipv6_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
chain portscan_prerouting {
ip saddr @enemies4 update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
ip6 saddr @enemies6 update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
type filter hook prerouting priority -160;
iifname { $wan_device } ct state established,related counter accept
iifname { $wan_device } tcp sport != { $portscan_src_ports } tcp flags syn,fin,ack th dport != { $portscan_dst_ports } jump input_limit
chain input_limit {
limit rate $portscan_limit/second counter return
update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
if [[ $reject_with_icmp -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain reject_drop {
counter reject with icmp type port-unreachable
counter reject with icmpv6 type port-unreachable
counter drop
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain reject_drop {
counter drop
if [[ $syn_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev NETDEV {
chain syn_flood {
limit rate $syn_flood_limit/second burst $syn_flood_burst_limit packets return comment "Accept SYN packets below rate-limit"
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev NETDEV {
chain syn_flood {
if [[ $icmp_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev NETDEV {
chain icmp_flood {
limit rate $icmp_flood_limit/second burst $icmp_flood_burst_limit packets return
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev NETDEV {
chain icmp_flood {
if [[ $udp_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain udp_flood {
limit rate $udp_flood_limit/second burst $udp_flood_burst_limit packets return
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain udp_flood {
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev NETDEV {
chain ingress {
type filter hook ingress devices = { $wan_device } priority -495;
tcp flags syn / fin,syn,rst,ack jump syn_flood comment "!fw4: Rate limit TCP syn packets"
ip protocol icmp icmp type {echo-reply, destination-unreachable, source-quench, redirect, echo-request, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, timestamp-request, timestamp-reply, info-request, info-reply, \
address-mask-request, address-mask-reply, router-advertisement, router-solicitation} jump icmp_flood
ip protocol icmpv6 icmpv6 type {destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, time-exceeded, echo-request, echo-reply, mld-listener-query, mld-listener-report, mld-listener-reduction, nd-router-solicit, \
nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect, parameter-problem, router-renumbering} jump icmp_flood
tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) counter drop
tcp flags syn,psh / syn,psh counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst / ack,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,fin / ack,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,syn / ack,psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,syn,fin / ack,psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,syn / ack,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,syn,fin / ack,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst / ack,rst limit rate over 10/second counter drop
tcp flags fin,psh / fin,psh limit rate over 10/second counter drop
tcp flags ack,fin / ack,fin limit rate over 25/second counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,fin / ack,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,syn / ack,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,syn,fin / ack,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,syn,fin / ack,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,fin / psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,syn / psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,syn,fin / psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,syn,fin / psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags rst,fin / rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags rst,syn,fin / rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags syn,fin / syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack / urg,ack counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,fin / urg,ack,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh / urg,ack,psh counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,fin / urg,ack,psh,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,rst / urg,ack,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,rst,fin / urg,ack,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,syn / urg,ack,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,syn,fin / urg,ack,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst / urg,ack,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,fin / urg,ack,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,syn / urg,ack,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,syn,fin / urg,ack,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,syn / urg,ack,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,syn,fin / urg,ack,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,fin / urg,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh / urg,psh counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,fin / urg,psh,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst / urg,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,fin / urg,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,syn / urg,psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,syn,fin / urg,psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,syn / urg,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,syn,fin / urg,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst / urg,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,fin / urg,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,syn / urg,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,syn,fin / urg,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,syn / urg,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,syn,fin / urg,syn,fin counter drop
ip frag-off & 0x1fff != 0 counter drop
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 counter drop
tcp flags syn \
tcp option maxseg size 1-535 \
counter drop
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
ct state invalid counter drop
udp sport 1-65535 ct state new jump udp_flood
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) != syn \
ct state new \
counter drop
ct state established, related counter accept
if [ $wan_input_drop_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
iifname { $wan_device } goto reject_drop
if [ $wireguard_input_drop_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
iifname "Wg0" goto reject_drop
if [ $bogon -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table netdev NETDEV {
chain ingress {
type filter hook ingress devices = { $wan_device } priority -495;
ip saddr { $forward_router } counter accept
ip saddr { $bogon_adresses } counter drop
ip6 saddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter drop
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter -5;
ip daddr { $forward_router } counter accept
oifname { $wan_device } ip daddr { $bogon_adresses } counter reject with icmp type host-unreachable
oifname { $wan_device } ip6 daddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter reject with icmpv6 type no-route
chain drop_postrouting {
type filter hook postrouting priority filter +5;
ip daddr { $forward_router } counter accept
oifname { $wan_device } ip daddr { $bogon_adresses } counter drop
oifname { $wan_device } ip6 daddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter drop
exit 0
- added arp request limiter