Nonsense, these are simple rules, no defragmentation is carried out, no address matching is carried out, no check is made as to whether they are valid, etc. It simply filters out the packets that have these invalid flag combinations in the header before they even reach the actual processing pipeline. My script does exactly what the ingress hook is intended for according to the nftables wiki, it performs a pre-sorting.
1 Like
#config Section
wan_device="" #setting a device between the quotation marks disable auto detection, "" autotection
#you can set more then one Wan interface with a comma between the device names for example "eth0,eth1"
bogon="0" #enable Bogon filter "1" enable "0" disable
forward_router="" #Enter here the Ip address/network of the upstream router if you use the Bogon filter and have a forward router.
#You can add multiple ip addresses or networks with a comma betwen the addresses, network format at example
syn_flood="0" #enable syn flood protection
icmp_flood="0" #enable icmp flood protection
udp_flood="0" #enable udp flood protection
port_scan_detection="0" #enable Portscan detection
arp_limit_enable="0" #enable ARP limit "1" enable "0" disable
wan_input_drop_enable="0" #Drops inet input to wan interface
wireguard_input_drop_enable="0" #Drops inet input to wireguard interface
reject_with_icmp="0" #Reject Wan/Wireguard input with Icmp unreachable
arp_limit="1" #accepted ARP request per second and on-the-fly per MAC address
syn_flood_limit="25" #syn flood limit
syn_flood_burst_limit="50" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
icmp_flood_limit="15" #icmp flood limit
icmp_flood_burst_limit="1" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
udp_flood_limit="100" #udp flood limit
udp_flood_burst_limit="50" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
portscan_limit="50" #sets the packet limit before the address is blocked
portscan_drop_time="5m" #Sets the time limit in which the source of the port scan is blocked s=seconds m=minutes h=hours
portscan_src_ports="22" #remote ports for which portscan does not respond
portscan_dst_ports="22" #target ports for which portscan does not respond
bogon_adresses=", \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \"
bogon_ipv6_adresses="::/128, \
::1/128, \
::ffff:0:0/96, \
::/96, \
100::/64, \
2001:10::/28, \
2001:db8::/32, \
fc00::/7, \
fe80::/10, \
fec0::/10, \
#config Section
if [ -z "$wan_device" ]; then
wan_device=$(uci get network.wan.device)
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'DDOS' && nft delete table inet DDOS
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'tcp_portscan' && nft delete table inet tcp_portscan
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'ARP' && nft delete table arp ARP
if [ $arp_limit_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table arp ARP {
chain Arp_limit { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
arp operation 1 meter per-mac { ether saddr limit rate $arp_limit/second burst 2 packets } counter accept
arp operation 1 counter drop
if [ $port_scan_detection -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet tcp_portscan {
set enemies4 {
type ipv4_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
set enemies6 {
type ipv6_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
chain portscan_drop { type filter hook prerouting priority -500;
ip saddr @enemies4 update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
ip6 saddr @enemies6 update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
chain portscan_detection { type filter hook prerouting priority -160;
iifname { $wan_device } ct state established,related counter accept
iifname { $wan_device } tcp sport != { $portscan_src_ports } tcp flags syn,fin,ack th dport != { $portscan_dst_ports } jump input_limit
iifname { $wan_device } tcp flags fin,psh,urg / fin,psh,urg jump input_limit
iifname { $wan_device } tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 jump input_limit
iifname { $wan_device } udp dport 1-65535 ct state new jump input_limit
chain input_limit {
limit rate $portscan_limit/second counter return
update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
if [[ $reject_with_icmp -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain reject_drop {
counter reject with icmp type port-unreachable
counter reject with icmpv6 type port-unreachable
counter drop
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain reject_drop {
counter drop
if [[ $syn_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain syn_flood {
limit rate $syn_flood_limit/second burst $syn_flood_burst_limit packets return comment "Accept SYN packets below rate-limit"
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain syn_flood {
if [[ $icmp_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain icmp_flood {
limit rate $icmp_flood_limit/second burst $icmp_flood_burst_limit packets return
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain icmp_flood {
if [[ $udp_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain udp_flood {
limit rate $udp_flood_limit/second burst $udp_flood_burst_limit packets return
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain udp_flood {
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain filter_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -495;
iifname { $wan_device } jump flags_input
chain flags_input {
tcp flags syn / fin,syn,rst,ack jump syn_flood comment "!fw4: Rate limit TCP syn packets"
ip protocol icmp icmp type {echo-reply, destination-unreachable, source-quench, redirect, echo-request, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, timestamp-request, timestamp-reply, info-request, info-reply, \
address-mask-request, address-mask-reply, router-advertisement, router-solicitation} jump icmp_flood
ip protocol icmpv6 icmpv6 type {destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, time-exceeded, echo-request, echo-reply, mld-listener-query, mld-listener-report, mld-listener-reduction, nd-router-solicit, \
nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect, parameter-problem, router-renumbering} jump icmp_flood
tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) counter drop
tcp flags syn,psh / syn,psh counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst / ack,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,fin / ack,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,syn / ack,psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,syn,fin / ack,psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,syn / ack,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,syn,fin / ack,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst / ack,rst limit rate over 10/second counter drop
tcp flags fin,psh / fin,psh limit rate over 10/second counter drop
tcp flags ack,fin / ack,fin limit rate over 25/second counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,fin / ack,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,syn / ack,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,syn,fin / ack,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,syn,fin / ack,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,fin / psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,syn / psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,syn,fin / psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,syn,fin / psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags rst,fin / rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags rst,syn,fin / rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags syn,fin / syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack / urg,ack counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,fin / urg,ack,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh / urg,ack,psh counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,fin / urg,ack,psh,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,rst / urg,ack,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,rst,fin / urg,ack,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,syn / urg,ack,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,syn,fin / urg,ack,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst / urg,ack,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,fin / urg,ack,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,syn / urg,ack,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,syn,fin / urg,ack,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,syn / urg,ack,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,syn,fin / urg,ack,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,fin / urg,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh / urg,psh counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,fin / urg,psh,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst / urg,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,fin / urg,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,syn / urg,psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,syn,fin / urg,psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,syn / urg,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,syn,fin / urg,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst / urg,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,fin / urg,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,syn / urg,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,syn,fin / urg,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,syn / urg,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,syn,fin / urg,syn,fin counter drop
ip frag-off & 0x1fff != 0 counter drop
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 counter drop
tcp flags syn \
tcp option maxseg size 1-535 \
counter drop
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
ct state invalid counter drop
udp sport 1-65535 ct state new jump udp_flood
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) != syn \
ct state new \
counter drop
ct state established, related counter accept
if [ $wan_input_drop_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
iifname { $wan_device } goto reject_drop
if [ $wireguard_input_drop_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
iifname { Wg0,Wg1,Wg2,Wg3,Wg4,Wg5,Wg6,Wg7,Wg8,Wg9 } goto reject_drop
if [ $bogon -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain filter_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -495;
iifname { $wan_device } ip saddr { $forward_router } counter accept
iifname { $wan_device } ip saddr { $bogon_adresses } counter drop
iifname { $wan_device } ip6 saddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter drop
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter -5;
ip daddr { $forward_router } counter accept
oifname { $wan_device } ip daddr { $bogon_adresses } counter reject with icmp type host-unreachable
oifname { $wan_device } ip6 daddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter reject with icmpv6 type no-route
chain drop_postrouting {
type filter hook postrouting priority filter +5;
ip daddr { $forward_router } counter accept
oifname { $wan_device } ip daddr { $bogon_adresses } counter drop
oifname { $wan_device } ip6 daddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter drop
exit 0
- moved the firewall rules that were in the ingress hook to the prerouting hook because I noticed that they no longer work for me (maybe someone could tell me if it's because of chances in netfilter/nftables or the new hardware), this should now make the script compatible with virtual machines
- Support for up to 10 Wireguard connections (Wg0-Wg9)
- added UDP Portscan detection
What virtual machines you refer to?
The version with the rules in the ingress hook is not compatible with Openwrt or any linux running in a virtual machine because the virtual network cards do not provide an ingress hook, so nftables interprets these rules as incorrect. With a network card passed through it could work, but I haven't tested it, especially since I'm currently wondering why the rules in the Ingress hook no longer work for me.
#config Section
wan_device="" #setting a device between the quotation marks disable auto detection, "" autotection
#you can set more then one Wan interface with a comma between the device names for example "eth0,eth1"
bogon="0" #enable Bogon filter "1" enable "0" disable
forward_router="" #Enter here the Ip address/network of the upstream router if you use the Bogon filter and have a forward router.
#You can add multiple ip addresses or networks with a comma betwen the addresses, network format at example
syn_flood="0" #enable syn flood protection
icmp_flood="0" #enable icmp flood protection
udp_flood="0" #enable udp flood protection
port_scan_detection="0" #enable Portscan detection
arp_limit_enable="0" #enable ARP limit "1" enable "0" disable
wan_input_drop_enable="0" #Drops inet input to wan interface
wireguard_input_drop_enable="0" #Drops inet input to wireguard interface
reject_with_icmp="0" #Reject Wan/Wireguard input with Icmp unreachable
arp_limit="1" #accepted ARP request per second and on-the-fly per MAC address
syn_flood_limit="25" #syn flood limit
syn_flood_burst_limit="50" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
icmp_flood_limit="15" #icmp flood limit
icmp_flood_burst_limit="1" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
udp_flood_limit="100" #udp flood limit
udp_flood_burst_limit="50" #indicates the number of packets that can exceed the rate limit, must be greater than or equal to 1
portscan_limit="50" #sets the packet limit before the address is blocked
portscan_drop_time="5m" #Sets the time limit in which the source of the port scan is blocked s=seconds m=minutes h=hours
portscan_src_ports="22" #remote ports for which portscan does not respond
portscan_dst_ports="22" #target ports for which portscan does not respond
bogon_adresses=", \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \, \"
bogon_ipv6_adresses="::/128, \
::1/128, \
::ffff:0:0/96, \
::/96, \
100::/64, \
2001:10::/28, \
2001:db8::/32, \
fc00::/7, \
fe80::/10, \
fec0::/10, \
#config Section
if [ -z "$wan_device" ]; then
wan_device=$(uci get network.wan.device)
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'DDOS' && nft delete table inet DDOS
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'tcp_portscan' && nft delete table inet tcp_portscan
nft list ruleset | grep -q 'ARP' && nft delete table arp ARP
if [ $arp_limit_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table arp ARP {
chain Arp_limit { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
arp operation 1 meter per-mac { ether saddr limit rate $arp_limit/second burst 2 packets } counter accept
arp operation 1 counter drop
if [ $port_scan_detection -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet tcp_portscan {
set enemies4 {
type ipv4_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
set enemies6 {
type ipv6_addr
flags dynamic,timeout
timeout $portscan_drop_time
chain portscan_drop { type filter hook prerouting priority -500;
ip saddr @enemies4 update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
ip6 saddr @enemies6 update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
chain portscan_detection { type filter hook prerouting priority -160;
iifname { $wan_device } ct state established,related counter accept
iifname { $wan_device } tcp sport != { $portscan_src_ports } tcp flags syn,fin,ack th dport != { $portscan_dst_ports } jump input_limit
iifname { $wan_device } tcp flags fin,psh,urg / fin,psh,urg jump input_limit
iifname { $wan_device } tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 jump input_limit
iifname { $wan_device } udp dport 1-65535 ct state new jump input_limit
chain input_limit {
limit rate $portscan_limit/second counter return
log prefix "Portscan (drop $portscan_drop_time): " update @enemies4 { ip saddr } counter drop
log prefix "Portscan (drop $portscan_drop_time): " update @enemies6 { ip6 saddr } counter drop
if [[ $reject_with_icmp -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain reject_drop {
counter reject with icmp type port-unreachable
counter reject with icmpv6 type port-unreachable
counter drop
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain reject_drop {
counter drop
if [[ $syn_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain syn_flood {
limit rate $syn_flood_limit/second burst $syn_flood_burst_limit packets return comment "Accept SYN packets below rate-limit"
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain syn_flood {
if [[ $icmp_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain icmp_flood {
limit rate $icmp_flood_limit/second burst $icmp_flood_burst_limit packets return
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain icmp_flood {
if [[ $udp_flood -ge 1 ]]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain udp_flood {
limit rate $udp_flood_limit/second burst $udp_flood_burst_limit packets return
counter drop comment "Drop excess packets"
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain udp_flood {
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain filter_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -495;
iifname { $wan_device } jump flags_input
chain flags_input {
tcp flags syn / fin,syn,rst,ack jump syn_flood comment "!fw4: Rate limit TCP syn packets"
ip protocol icmp icmp type {echo-reply, destination-unreachable, source-quench, redirect, echo-request, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, timestamp-request, timestamp-reply, info-request, info-reply, \
address-mask-request, address-mask-reply, router-advertisement, router-solicitation} jump icmp_flood
ip protocol icmpv6 icmpv6 type {destination-unreachable, packet-too-big, time-exceeded, echo-request, echo-reply, mld-listener-query, mld-listener-report, mld-listener-reduction, nd-router-solicit, \
nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-neighbor-advert, nd-redirect, parameter-problem, router-renumbering} jump icmp_flood
tcp flags & (syn|rst) == (syn|rst) counter drop
tcp flags syn,psh / syn,psh counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst / ack,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,fin / ack,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,syn / ack,psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,rst,syn,fin / ack,psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,syn / ack,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,psh,syn,fin / ack,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst / ack,rst limit rate over 10/second counter drop
tcp flags fin,psh / fin,psh limit rate over 10/second counter drop
tcp flags ack,fin / ack,fin limit rate over 25/second counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,fin / ack,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,syn / ack,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags ack,rst,syn,fin / ack,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags ack,syn,fin / ack,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,fin / psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,syn / psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags psh,rst,syn,fin / psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags psh,syn,fin / psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags rst,fin / rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags rst,syn,fin / rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags syn,fin / syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack / urg,ack counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,fin / urg,ack,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh / urg,ack,psh counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,fin / urg,ack,psh,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,rst / urg,ack,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,rst,fin / urg,ack,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,syn / urg,ack,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,psh,syn,fin / urg,ack,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst / urg,ack,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,fin / urg,ack,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,syn / urg,ack,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,rst,syn,fin / urg,ack,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,syn / urg,ack,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,ack,syn,fin / urg,ack,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,fin / urg,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh / urg,psh counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,fin / urg,psh,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst / urg,psh,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,fin / urg,psh,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,syn / urg,psh,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,rst,syn,fin / urg,psh,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,syn / urg,psh,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,psh,syn,fin / urg,psh,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst / urg,rst counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,fin / urg,rst,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,syn / urg,rst,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,rst,syn,fin / urg,rst,syn,fin counter drop
tcp flags urg,syn / urg,syn counter drop
tcp flags urg,syn,fin / urg,syn,fin counter drop
ip frag-off & 0x1fff != 0 counter drop
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 counter drop
tcp flags syn \
tcp option maxseg size 1-535 \
counter drop
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
ct state invalid counter drop
udp sport 1-65535 ct state new jump udp_flood
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|ack) != syn \
ct state new \
counter drop
ct state established, related counter accept
if [ $wan_input_drop_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
iifname { $wan_device } goto reject_drop
if [ $wireguard_input_drop_enable -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -155;
iifname { Wg0,Wg1,Wg2,Wg3,Wg4,Wg5,Wg6,Wg7,Wg8,Wg9 } goto reject_drop
if [ $bogon -ge 1 ]; then
nft -f - <<TABLE
table inet DDOS {
chain filter_ddos {
type filter hook prerouting priority -495;
iifname { $wan_device } ip saddr { $forward_router } counter accept
iifname { $wan_device } ip saddr { $bogon_adresses } counter drop
iifname { $wan_device } ip6 saddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter drop
table inet DDOS {
chain drop_forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter -5;
ip daddr { $forward_router } counter accept
oifname { $wan_device } ip daddr { $bogon_adresses } counter reject with icmp type host-unreachable
oifname { $wan_device } ip6 daddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter reject with icmpv6 type no-route
chain drop_postrouting {
type filter hook postrouting priority filter +5;
ip daddr { $forward_router } counter accept
oifname { $wan_device } ip daddr { $bogon_adresses } counter drop
oifname { $wan_device } ip6 daddr { $bogon_ipv6_adresses } counter drop
exit 0
- show now log entry if portscan detected