Suspicious dns requests

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask this question, though it might be worth a shot i thought why not.
After booting my computer running windows 10 (yes i know that os is hot garbage) there's a new dns request which has never been there before.
Now i know what you're thinking, it's windows and it does what it want's, microsoft has control over the os meaning requests like the one i'm talking about to aren't a surprise. But they the thing is i stripped down windows 10 to it's guts, combined with openwrt on my router and the opensource portmaster firewall software i'm able to see all network traffic from the os, there are filterlists automatically blocking garbage like google and microsoft and so on for me.
Just curious what's the deal with

not stripped enough, I guess -, seems to be a canary domain.


This would be better asked and answered in a more general forum and/or by Microsoft’s support channels. This is not related to OpenWet in any way.


Don't one of the DNS blockers available for OpenWrt have a Window$/M$ domain blocklist?

dunno, but if you block this one, I imagine Win will start complaining about not being online, just like your phone would do.

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