Supporting EAP225 v5

Same here: No targets
but above I found:

wifi-emi-loader-0.0.1.tar.xz: Download from failed

Ok, then the download description is not yet correct in the Makefile

Which is a litte bit strange because I think I saw the downloaded package on my disk, I'll check.

I downloaded the zip-file from your repository and extracted it in ./package/kernel/wifi-emi-loader. After zthis hack I could build a new image successfully. But no success regarding wifi: The initram kernel could boot, but shows no wifi interfaces. The kernel protocol has no occurences of 'wifi', also the build environment contains no wifi*.ko.


I get this error line

make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'package/kernel/wifi-emi-loader/compile'.  Stop.

WiFi will probably not work with wifi-emi-loader only. As far as I understood it is only a precondition for enabling the WiFi driver (which we don’t have as source code until now).

When you built the new image, were you able to load the wifi-emi-loader module?

When you built the new image, were you able to load the wifi-emi-loader module?

I can´t built this wifi-module because the compile process fails if this module is enabled in kernel/wireless drivers - no target

Reverting back to stock firmware is possible using a previously created backup:

cat OpenWrt.mtd5.bin OpenWrt.mtd6.bin > OpenWrt.mtd5-mtd6.bin

Where OpenWrt.mtd5.bin is the backed up kernel partition and OpenWrt.mtd6.bin is the backed up rootfs partition. The created OpenWrt.mtd5-mtd6.bin can be flashed like a sysupgrade image in the OpenWrt web interface.

I stopped working on this device. Without WiFi support in OpenWrt, the chances of getting wireless working are close to zero.
I created a pull request for the current state:

Maybe it’s helpful for anyone who wants to continue as soon as WiFi drivers are available.

Just a side note here; EAP245v4 (not 4.6) and EAP225v5 OEM firmwares are both compatible with EAP225v5, meaning they both can be flashed with no problem, probably because these two models are almost identical in hardware.

As for only two antennas being connected to the 5G radio, it seems like to be a hardware choice/limitation (possibly for market segmentation) rather than being a software limitation as can be seen with RE500 and RE650, which were completely identical pieces hardware-wise. In EAP225v5's case though, if you look at FCC internal photos closely, one of the antennas seems to have traces for only the 2.4G radio, unlike the other two. I'm not an electrical engineer though, so i'm just guessing.