Hi. I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I spent almost an entire day reading and learning about this. Finally got Docker going and then ssh fails. I then realised I had V2 and found this page.
I have the openwrt bin file from TaiKe's page. I have completed the step to enable SSH but then when I go the Docker route. It is still failing to connect.
Any advice or maybe baby steps to do this? Or should I be learning Ubuntu on VM instead of trying Docker? Thank you
First you need to setup a password for the Router interface (this requires an internet connection)
I checkout lhe LordPinhead/OpenWRTInvasion form github
I launch python3 remote_command_execution_vulnerability.py
It ask for Server IP and Local IP, then password you set in the interface
It happens that I had to close opened browser and sometime (often) launch the hack twice
You should be able to telnet the router then enter login and password (user: root, password: root)
For ssh you need some options like this: ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -c 3des-cbc -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@
I had done this method on windows using docker and whenever I went through this step, it said that my firmware was not compatible with OpenwrtInvasion asking to consult the guide. and also appeared that I could try to connect via telnet, but it always refused. Perhaps, it could be due to windows or firmware 2.30.500 that is from Feb 23. Anyway, I'm going to emulate linux and I'll try there and for sure I'll be back here. Is your hardware dated 01/23? Thank you very much for your help!
hi friend, I managed to install the latest version of openwrt, I found out what I was doing wrong. Was using script v1 instead of v2. When I used v2 telnet pinged just fine. Thank you very much for your help!!
Looks like your router don't access to your local server
When I run I get
python3 remote_command_execution_vulnerability.py
Router IP address [press enter for using the default '']:
Local Host IP address [press enter for using the default '192.168.31.xxx']: 192.168.31.xxx
Enter Router Admin ...
After that you should see 2 HTTP GET displayed
If you get only one you have to retry
Are you sure you use the LordPinhead/OpenWRTInvasion repo ?
To clone the git repo I used: git clone https://github.com/LordPinhead/OpenWRTInvasion.git
I made several try some images, everytime I reset to the 2.30.500, using the unbricking procedure, until I found the snapshot one works.
On the sticker on the router box I can read 2023/01 the provided firmware was 2.30.28, that I unbricked with 2.30.500
could you please tell me more what should i do ?? I using r4av2 with 2.30.25 version and I don't know how can install openwrt on this device and you can do this . please tell me full tutorials and give me all link that maybe need .