Support for TP-Link AX5400 Wi-Fi 6?

Hello there,

Any plans for support of the TP-Link Archer AX73, AX5400 with Wifi 6?

This one is a beast!

There's already a big description of it here:

Thanks in advance.

As far as I can tell, there is no supported device with that CPU (BCM6750).

In general, Broadcom_Inside most likely means "No_complete_OpenWrt_support_EVER" (with some rare exceptions).


YEah i know but my hopes are still up, this one is really nice!

There are several threads on this forum (search for BCM6750) since about 2 years, that seem to have gone nowhere.


Too bad because they make one of the best chipsets.

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this is why I sold the two ASUS TUF AX5400 which use the same chip and bought the Xiaomi AX3200/AX6S which does support OpenWrt. :slight_smile:


YEah it's a shame!

This hardware is so powerful, it would be lit to have it there enabled.....Also these routers would sell a lot more if they could support openwrt.

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CPU wise it's not so powerful as it's using old Cortex A7 cores, sure it does it job and for me it worked well, but the Xiaomi AX3200/AX6S is both cheaper and uses the newer and better Cortex A53 cores, so win-win for me, I got back the money I paid for the AX5400.

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I agree with both of you. They make good tech, follow current levels well, and

But Broadcom doesn't seem to see it like that, unfortunately, because they could easily make our lifes a lot easier(, and save tons of devices from being e-waste) just by doing a few code-drops.

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后续会支持吗 ? TP-Link AX5400 吗 ? 我看国内各大平台的销售量非常可观呢。

China might be big, but it's still only ~1/8 of the world's population.

Use English, please.


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