Support for Huawei DN8245V-56 aka "DG8245V-10"

Board View


Front Side :

Back Side :


*CPU: Triductor VSPM350 "1.2 GHz dual-core ARM Cortex A9 processor."
*RAM: Winbond W632GU6MB-12 "DDR3 2Gb 800 MHz."

*Flash SPI NAND Memory: Winbond 25N01GVZEIG "[3.3V] 1 Gbits, 128Mbytes 8-Pin WSON."

˅˅ Dumbed Firmware ˅˅

Dumbed with spare area
Size : 132 MB
Uploaded : >> Dropbox <<

:arrow_up: Your humble help in binwalk will be very grateful :arrow_up:


Glad if this modem/router model will able to be supported on OpenWrt project,
I couldn't found any traces leads between UART & main CPU ofcourse couldn't found online a datasheet for this SoC.

with suggestions for measurements maybe will help alot, also able to desolder the SoC it self to do measurements if it necessary and solder it again.

Any ideas of any help from me don't hesitate to mention it :slight_smile:

This post answers your questions neatly

SOC is unsupported by mainline and may never be

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|Device Type: HUAWEI DN8245V-56
|Description: EchoLife DN8245V-56 Home Gateway
|Hardware Version: 221A.A
|Software Version: V100R019C30SPC112

I tried to download the stock firmware file (hw_ctree) then I tried to modify using Notpad++ but it was encoded or encrypted in different or unrecognized codes and tree. Any idea how to decode it and then get all the user and passwords to get the super admin access hence make it usable by any ISP.

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same here
please i need this firmware
and what is new with your proplem

And I need a GF 25 years younger than me, who'll love me even if I look like the garbage truck.

My guess is, neither of us will be getting what we want.

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