Support for Easybox 904 LTE

The current branch is: master-lede_rebased_4.19

Or you can use these pullrequests: = Add support for Easybox-904xDSL (lantiq/xrx200) = add uboot support for Easybox-904xDSL
and really usefull these small fix:
For using pullrequest see post 136
But you do not need devmem anymore.


# prepare build look i these nessasary
git config --global ""; git config --global "Your Name" # for merging into your local branch
cd /opt/build # your build directory
rm -r ./openwrt # delete openwrt directory if exist (not nessasary if not exist)

# clone openwrt source and create a new branch called: eb904x
git clone
cd openwrt
git checkout -b eb904x

# install main pullrequest in branch eb904x 
git fetch origin pull/2060/head:pr001-eb904x
git rebase eb904x pr001-eb904x
git checkout eb904x
git merge pr001-eb904x

# install uboot pullrequest in branch eb904x 
git fetch origin pull/2061/head:pr002-eb904x_uboot
git rebase eb904x pr002-eb904x_uboot
git checkout eb904x
git merge pr002-eb904x_uboot

# add missed some extra kernelconfigparameter for videosupport
# without it the build stops and ask for the parameter
git fetch origin pull/1885/head:pullreq
git rebase eb904x pullreq
git checkout eb904x
git merge pullreq

# Change to your device: 
#	Target System = Lantiq / Suptarget = XRX200 / Target Profile = Easybox 904
# for later Display support: 
#	Global build settings  ---> / [*] Select all target specific packages by default
#	Global build settings  ---> / [*] Show packages that require graphics support (local or remote)
# enable the easybox bootloader
# 	Boot Loaders  ---> / [*] u-boot-easybox904	
# eanable the SDK and the image builder
#	[*] Build the OpenWrt SDK (NEW)
# 	[*] Build the OpenWrt Image Builder
make menuconfig
make -j8 V=1 IGNORE_ERRORS=1 || make V=s IGNORE_ERRORS=1

I the next step i build the required packages that are not in openwrt for this device, with the SDK:


cd /opt/build # my build directory change if needed

rm -rf ./owrtsdk
tar -xf $(find ./openwrt/bin/targets/lantiq/xrx200/openwrt-sdk-*.tar.xz)
mv -v $(find ./openwrt-sdk-* -type d -maxdepth 0) ./owrtsdk
cd ./owrtsdk
mkdir ./dl
rm -r ./dl; ln -sv /mnt/mapper/sda3/openwrt-source-dl dl # if you collect the whole openwrtsource like me inside /mnt/mapper/sda3/openwrt-source-dl use this line

cat ./feeds.conf.default |  grep -E -v "src-git[[:blank:]]*base.*" > ./feeds.conf

# If you do not have /opt/build/openwrt change it or use this line instead but note it is better to use same openwrt source that you have used for source build. 
#echo "src-git base"
echo "src-git base file:///opt/build/openwrt" >> ./feeds.conf

echo "src-git eb904_driver" >> ./feeds.conf
echo "src-git eb904_pkg" >> ./feeds.conf

./scripts/feeds update -a

./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_driver fbtft
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_driver touchpad
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_driver ralink_bin
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_driver ralink_inic

./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_pkg freetype
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_pkg serdisplib
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_pkg con2fbmap
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_pkg lcd4linux-eb904
./scripts/feeds install -p eb904_pkg lcdcontroller

make -j2 IGNORE_ERRORS=1 V=1 || make -j1 IGNORE_ERRORS=1 V=s