I am planning to setup a captive portal in a router. I would also like to have few features,
Dashboard to view analytics ->For which I am planning to go for Grafana + Influx DB or just to get the data and push it to coud where i run grafana + influxdb
Dual firmwate Partitioning for OTA updates to the router. (most like with the help of mender)
The use case is, we own a few cafes and restaurants, I would like to provide the wifi to people after captive page, so that 1. privacy policies aggreed to collect analytics data. |
So can you please suggest me with best routers which can support these functions.
No, I am planning to use OpenWRT for sure, The implementation of OTA updates from mender are done from my side. I would install mender client in openwrrt router device.
The requirement for such an ota update woruld be to have a inactive partition(A/b Partition)
Hence looking for those one with good storage space in ram and flash
Yes, Thats right. I need the boot loader in the router to be able to have two seperate partitions for firmare one for inactive and one for active, where i will pull the new firmware via mender out it in inactive partition and the load the firmware from there the next rebbot
No I dont want to do that for 15 20 devices, every time i want to update it.
So the idea is, I will build the new openwrt firmware and host it in mender, and from mender dashboard, if i do update all, all the 15-20 openwrt routers which ahs the mender client will pull the image and load it in inactive partition which will then be used from them on
so it is not ssh into router and updating the firmware!