Suggest a best OpenWrt router

Cool, but Only 32MB flash? Is this has gig ethernet port?

Lol, you're adding must haves as you go...

Ok if you have warranty then to recover the router go back to the store and say it stopped working. They will fix it for you, unless you already broke the warranty by flashing it...

All the specs are on the page if you follow the link I provided.

Try a Netgear R7800. Not really cost-effective, but fast, has an easy TFTP recovery and two USB3 ports.


It's already been mentioned.

If you still have it in warranty, simplly claim it. It is not working.

From what I remember this router is using compressed file system in OpenWrt, so 32MB is decent in this case.

Dear Guys,
I have lot of research and found dlink dir-2640 has pre installed web recovery, can i buy it?

Please suggest, if I missed anything.

Thanks :+1:

if it checks all your boxes, and it's the A1 version ,go for it, it's in the ToH.

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Linksys wrt3200acm

$250 new, with a failing 2.4GHz radio, probably not available in India.

Solid recommendation .... not.


D-Link DIR-2660 - EXO AC2600...

Though its currently unavailable, it was a couple of weeks ago. Its top notch router, and I have been highly satisfied with it. Currently its my only router.
You can watch its review of openwrt on onemarcfifty's youtube channel.
I purchased it due to his review.

Xiaomi 4a Gigabit Edition router dualband with flashable EN25QX128A and GS25Q128 eeprom

easy to flash and easy to recover using ch341a usb spi nor flasher and lots of community support from forums and also lots of custom firmware support padavan, openwrt, immortalwrt, xwrt,pcwrt and keeneetic firmware