Speed Internet speed test on a router

Which mtr to install?

There is:

mtr-json - 0.95-3 - Full screen ncurses traceroute tool With JSON
mtr-nojson - 0.95-3 - Full screen ncurses traceroute tool Without JSON

I tried server around the world, no big difference. If speed is 7, 8 or 10 Mb/s or whatever in this range, it is too slow. And note, external iperf3 tests, never get higher than the upload speed with an asymmetric connection, which is common with DSL. That is why, I see still 10Mb/s with my local speed of about 100 Mb/s now. If I do the same test with my phone with wifi disabled, I have 100/50 with the phone, the speed is about 50. If I use a phone contract with 50/10, I see 10.

Please note, I am not the starter of the thread. I had big problems, because of a simple misunderstanding.

I reduced tx-power because I thought, wenn I am very near to the AP I can reduce it, even tx 0 showed a strong signal. Reducing tx can help to avoid interferences to other APs. But in a WDS situation it is not a good idea.

After I am 10x faster now, I am optimizing. See IEEE 802.11r and sae-mixed - #14 by linuxuser