SPDNS Configuration (Help me)

How should be the configuration for spdns? Please help me.

config service 'spdns'
	option enabled '1'
	option interface 'lan'
	option retry_unit 'minutes'
	option ip_source 'web'
	option lookup_host ''
	option password ''
	option use_ipv6 '0'
	option service_name ''
	option force_unit 'hours'
	option use_https '1'
	option cacert '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'
	option check_interval '20'
	option check_unit 'minutes'
	option force_interval '12'
	option retry_interval '5'
	option param_enc 'update.spdyn.de/nic/update?hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>'
	option ip_url ''
	option domain ''
	option username ''

Does this help?


Here is my configuration:

config ddns 'global'
	option ddns_dateformat '%F %R'
	option ddns_loglines '250'
	option upd_privateip '0'

config service 'myddns_ipv4'
	option lookup_host 'xxxx.xxx.xx'
	option domain 'xxxx.xxx.xx'
	option username 'xxxx.xxx.xx'
	option password 'yyyy-yyyy-yyyy'
	option interface 'wan'
	option ip_source 'network'
	option ip_network 'wan'
	option service_name 'spdyn.de'
	option use_https '1'
	option cacert '/etc/ssl/certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt'
	option enabled '1'

config service 'myddns_ipv6'
	option lookup_host 'xxxx.xxx.xx'
	option domain 'xxxx.xxx.xx'
	option username 'xxxx.xxx.xx'
	option password 'yyyy-yyyy-yyyy'
	option interface 'wan_6'
	option ip_source 'network'
	option ip_network 'wan_6'
	option service_name 'spdyn.de'
	option use_https '1'
	option cacert '/etc/ssl/certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.crt'
	option use_ipv6 '1'
	option enabled '1'

I do not recommend the single CA certificate as shown in my option cacert, because it will break when spdns changes the CA. Better use a bundle of CA certs if you have the space.