Somewhat dead router TL-MR3420 v2

Hi there. I downloaded lede-17.01.2-ar71xx-generic-tl-mr3420-v2-squashfs-factory for my router, because I wanted to reduce the bufferbloat on it. Sadly, after flashing firmware, I couldn't access

I tried running my router in failsafe mode, but then I couldn't access via neither PuTTY or windows command prompt (connection refuse in PuTTy and for cmd: "Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed")

I really need help with it, because it's a router for the whole family and now we have to use the slow, mobile connection. Thanks in advance

I believe that you still can get away with only using TFTP recovery at that point and not having to open the device; that is, using the recovery procedure straight from the device.

Follow the recovery procedure from the Wiki and use this firmware as the recovery bin:

From the instructions, you should set your computer with IP, but if that fails try with also.

An old article I found:

Can You explain the "create a symlink"phase please? I have the stock firmware (because I'm not able to install LEDE anymore, am I?) and the stripped firmware. I have downloaded the HardLinkShellExtension so I can create a symlink and I've set my PC's IP to In tftpd should I point the directory of a folder which contains both these files and set the server interfaces to my ethernet card (

Edit: Are there any settings I should change in tftpd, because after pointing the folder directory nothing seems to happen?

I have been try on this blog Use google translator. I think you just change the firmware.

I realize that the steps provided in the Wiki could use a little clarification... Here are the big steps that I wrote down for you:

  1. Set your computer IP address to, gateway (force this address, not DHCP client)
  2. Install a TFTP Server on that computer and ensure it serves the file mr3420v2_tp_recovery.bin
    a. That file is the stripped image that you rename mr3420v2_tp_recovery.bin
  3. Connect your computer to the router with cable to LAN port 1 of the router
  4. Put the router in recovery mode
    a. Power off the router (remove the power plug)
    b. Press and hold the reset button while powering on the router (put back the plug)
    c. Wait until WPS LED will light - about 8 seconds, release button
  5. The router will begin to download the "recovery" stripped firmware from your PC
  6. There should be a reboot

Do not create symlink, just create a copy of the original firmware (or rename it) to the required name in the folder that your TFTP server serves the files.

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