Some questions regarding Wireguard Interface

  1. Here:

Yes I am 100% aware you mentioned UDP...and I asked you:

You i instead berated me - i have no clue why. I guess you respect no answer from anyone...or want an exact number or yes/no. You yourself berated be because you coild tweak theae vues. I noted yhat3this was commin on s
Connections in the US on dialup...and others.

Another member also told you the same thing.

Please instead of avtong like this...explain why you need to tweak the values in this sernario?

  1. Here:

Also, im not sure if you agreedor disagreed those 1 and 2 rules existed. I asl because - perbaps youre making customs firewalls chains or some custom firmware?

That's why I asked you.


You'd probally poison it. :skull_and_crossbones:

Beer, crypto, thanks, silence, respect maybe.

Defnatly done responding until I read every response they ever have to another memeber.

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