[Solved] Port openings

Hi there,

I am unable to open port to control my wifi device which is on the 8081.
On my ISP router, I did the following:

And on my OpenWrt router, I did the following traffic rule:

Can you please help?

I know the best way is to use a VPN but as a first PoC, I am trying with Port Forwarding.

On openwrt, src port should not be specified since is random, add also device ip in the rule.


Thanks! I updated that.

After checking, it is still closed. Do I need to do a port forward on Openwrt as well?

Yes, since it's using different ip then openwrt's ip.

It is port forwarding exactly. See also 'DNAT'.


You do not need to "open" a port (that is for servers on the router), you need to "forward" it (that is for servers on your internal networkk). Go to "Network" > "Firewall" > "Port Forwards" and add a new rule.


Thank you all!
I did a port forward and a traffic rule and works like a charm.

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