[solved] Night LED timer for wifi router for OpenWrt

Remove or comment out this. It overrides the standard functions in /etc/rc.common responsible for creating/removing the symlinks in /etc/rc.d.


Oo my god, it solved the symlink issue after me trying for so long. You are genius
Thank you so much

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Becuase of this :

If your problem is solved, please consider marking this topic as [Solved]. See How to mark a topic as [Solved] for a short how-to.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Ye, yes offcourse, but let me verify all things are correctly working and final as I do always before closing anything. Last time when I decided to close this issue, I checked and found that somethings were not working, then i was glad that I didn't close the issue. After final check and all working as it should, I will close this issue.

Also, one question, earlier I was able to edit & add a prefix of [Solved] in the title of this thread but now there is no edit option for me even though I opened this thread so how will I close this thread when I will do later ?

Marking it solved should be enough.
Even afterwards You can unmark it or open a new thread and refference this one so no big issue if you change your mind

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@maurer unable to mark as 'Solved' becuase of this :

@purple-shed , my post has nothing to do with the topic title. Please mark as solution the reply of someone who spent much more time on this and who helped you the most in finding a way to turn off the LEDs.


Credits (in chronological order) go to the following people in solving multiple issues encountered at each seemingly easy but difficult stages of this thread:

Contributors to full & final solution for TP-Link Archer C6 AC1200 HWv3.2 by:
@elbertmai for writing the whole initial script, commands, for full patient initial explanation to me:

@maurer for providing an alternate set of commands for bypassing encountered : No such file or directory cd to ... error if it remains uncorrected, for patiently resolving my backend working related queries, for providing the significant time sync script:

@slh , @ncompact for providing their part of help during this journey
@pavelgl for solving the final and biggest issue in my Initscript of runtime error causing no symlink creation on enabling it

Lastly, Noob me for solving the : No such file or directory cd to ... error finally, for summing up elbertmai's and maurer's codes in Initscript which had runtime error causing no symlink creation due to my personal error and insufficient knowledge:

Apologies if I missed someone, message me so that I can include them

Thank you everyone for joining & helping me in this long journey :face_holding_back_tears:

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Thank you everyone :face_holding_back_tears:


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