I have a TP LINK WR940N V4, i´m trying to start my mwan3 service but I have the following error:
root@OpenWrt:~# mwan3 status
Interface status:
interface wan is offline and tracking is down
interface wan2 is offline and tracking is down
Current ipv4 policies:
Current ipv6 policies:
Directly connected ipv4 networks:
Directly connected ipv6 networks:
Active ipv4 user rules:
Active ipv6 user rules:
root@OpenWrt:~# mwan3 start
Warning: mwan3 is global disabled. Usage: /etc/init.d/mwan3 start
root@OpenWrt:~#/etc/init.d/mwan3 start
/sbin/uci: Invalid argument
Warning: mwan3 is global disabled. Usage: /etc/init.d/mwan3 start
cat /etc/init.d/mwan3:
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/init.d/mwan3 start
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
reload() {
local enabled
config_load mwan3
config_get_bool enabled globals 'enabled' 0
[ ${enabled} -gt 0 ] || {
echo "Warning: mwan3 is global disabled. Usage: /etc/init.d/mwan3 start"
exit 0
mwan3 restart
boot() {
. /lib/config/uci.sh
uci_toggle_state mwan3 globals enabled "1"
start() {
. /lib/config/uci.sh
uci_toggle_state mwan3 globals enabled "1"
mwan3 start
stop() {
. /lib/config/uci.sh
uci_toggle_state mwan3 globals enabled "0"
mwan3 stop
My another settings are perfectly configured, the image has been made by myself.
(I have the last firmware and package versions, with the mwan3 new dependence ip-full included)