[SOLVED] First Time Installation Help ASUS RT-AX54 / ASUS RT-AX54HP / ASUS RT-AX1800HP / ASUS RT-AX1800S

So I'm pretty much a noob at installing OpenWRT. This is my first time, and I'm having lots of issues. I was going through the guides, documentation, and forum, but I couldn't find a clear way to install OpenWRT on my ASUS RT-AX1800S.

Steps I did:

  1. Go into ASUS web admin portal and turn on SSH and change default port number

  2. Open up terminal on my PC and download the factory bin firmware.

  3. Type this command in my PC terminal cat openwrt-ramips-mt7621-asus_rt-ax54-squashfs-factory.bin | ssh admin@ -p2345 "cat > /root/openwrt-ramips-mt7621-asus_rt-ax54-squashfs-factory.bin"

  4. Connect to ssh again ssh admin@ -p23451

  5. While in ssh session, mtd-write in router mtd-write -i openwrt-ramips-mt7621-asus_rt-ax54-squashfs-factory.bin -d Kernel

  6. Type reboot in terminal and wait

  7. Open web portal at again and see that it still has the Asus firmware.

What am I doing wrong?

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I was wondering why the instructions made me download factory.bin instead of the kernel.bin. My suspicions were right.

If anybody is reading this wondering why it's not working for them, make sure to use the kernel.bin with the exact same process. Everything should work now.

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If you decide you want to start over, just download a specific firmware for your router here and things should go much easier.


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Yeah, I saw that. Very useful website and I'm confused as why it's not linked somewhere easier to see like in the table of hardware page.

Unfortunately, after I installed it I still ran into more problems :frowning:

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