[Solved] DNS Troubleshooting

You are welcome. I took about 3 threads on the forum including a massive 2yr long one and with some further research and testing (along with some help from a few others), turned all that into my master thread. From those efforts and some help from @jamesmacwhite a wiki was sorted out and finally an opkg version properly sorted. (the 104 edition of agh was... really bad.) That's one reason why i re-wrote everything and got it to a more useable state, plus feedback to AGH team with issues too. Part of it is i think they were surprised at how AGH was being used on much smaller routers etc. They were used to people using x86 routers or even mini pcs where space and memory isnt constrained but building into soho routers takes much more care and planning. (like how my manual version vs opkg version differ due to space and usage).

Nope. Something rather more fun. a NanoPi R4S : NanoPi R4S-RK3399 is a great new OpenWrt device
That plugs into a local lan switch (I really want a ubiquiti POE one but getting one is damn near impossible right now) and then a separate POE powered Ubiquiti AC-Lite for my wifi due to my insane concreate walls that make wifi damn near impossible.

It shouldn't be a major issue. I haven't rebooted mine in a while.

root@OpenWrt:~# uptime
 22:28:51 up 41 days,  4:57,  load average: 0.10, 0.21, 0.14

But yes, loosing the logs can be a pain. For most people however its not too bad an issue. If you have the space however, then the manual version where you can keep all the logs etc is much nicer.

No problem on questions. Drop a post in the thread if you run into issues. That's what its there for.

As for filters... that's bit more tricky. I was using a custom set and i did publish them but AGH team redid a fair few of them and now the ones they come with are pretty good. There are one or two i wouldn't use and i also use a few different ones from the custom ones just purely down to my choices. But for completeness i'll list you the filters part from my yaml file.

- enabled: true
  url: https://adguardteam.github.io/AdGuardSDNSFilter/Filters/filter.txt
  name: AdGuard DNS filter
  id: 1
- enabled: false
  url: https://adaway.org/hosts.txt
  name: AdAway Default Blocklist
  id: 2
- enabled: true
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Perflyst/PiHoleBlocklist/master/SmartTV-AGH.txt
  name: Perflyst and Dandelion Sprout's Smart-TV Blocklist
  id: 1625359387
- enabled: true
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist/master/adguard.txt
  name: Scam Blocklist by DurableNapkin
  id: 1625359388
- enabled: true
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts
  name: https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts
  id: 1625359390
- enabled: true
  url: https://osint.digitalside.it/Threat-Intel/lists/latestdomains.txt
  name: https://firebog.net/  - OSINT.digitalside.it
  id: 1625359391
- enabled: true
  url: https://v.firebog.net/hosts/Easyprivacy.txt
  name: https://firebog.net/  - EasyPrivacy
  id: 1625359393
- enabled: true
  url: https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/lists/ads-and-tracking-extended.txt
  name: https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/
  id: 1633201708
- enabled: true
  url: https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist.txt
  name: Phishing Army List
  id: 1635888815
- enabled: true
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoshsadiq/adblock-nocoin-list/master/hosts.txt
  name: NoCoin Filter List
  id: 1639602953
- enabled: false
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/Alternate%20versions%20Anti-Malware%20List/AntiMalwareAdGuardHome.txt
  name: Dandelion Sprout's Anti-Malware List
  id: 1639602954
- enabled: true
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/The-Big-List-of-Hacked-Malware-Web-Sites/master/hosts
  name: The Big List of Hacked Malware Web Sites
  id: 1639602955
- enabled: true
  url: https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter-agh-online.txt
  name: Online Malicious URL Blocklist
  id: 1639602956
- enabled: true
  url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anudeepND/whitelist/master/domains/whitelist.txt
  name: https://github.com/anudeepND/whitelist
  id: 1625359392

I'd suggest you just copy the name of the list and its location into the AGH interface by doing a manual list unless you are confident at editing yaml files. Even an extra space will make it barf up with config errors. (trust me... done it myself and its a pain.)

The whitelist one is quite important. Anudeep also lists a couple of other ones in case the wife likes shopping sites etc. That enables referral links etc.

AdAway Default Blocklist and Dandelion Sprout's Anti-Malware List i disabled due to some issues. I may have to check it out again at some point but the rest were ok. However his Smart TV blocker is wonderful.

What i do caution for filters is this. Start small, look at what is going on in your network, don't just add 2million filters and then wonder why your router is on fire. Its also another reason i removed my personal lists and tell people to start with the default ones the AGH team update internally.

(edit) Once you have your family filtering done and working, please feel free to document it in a post on the thread. I don't use family filtering and dont have a lot of other devices to do that kind of testing with. I'm sure others will be in your situation of requiring filtering and monitoring of the little ones and would appreciate your experience of setup etc. I could then add relevant bits to the wiki as well for others to use. #themoreyouknow :slight_smile: