[Solved] Cake diffserv3 call tins

Okay hello I am attempting to move from diffserv8 to diffserv3 to simplify my ruleset. I do not know how to call the class using iptables. The only examples I have found are tctables and I am not using tcables i'm using iptables. I want to set all eth traffic in Default(CS0) and all traffic on a given IP Latency Sensitive(CS6).

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -I eth+ -j DSCP --set-dscp-class CS0
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -src -j DSCP --set-dscp-class CS6

Am I calling these correctly - also, what are the classes?

Low Priority = CS1?
Best Effort= CS0?
Latency Sensitive = CS6?

From the code,

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