Solution for RTSP proxification

OK, first, the link you sent said depreciated. Next, following the link, I found:

Usage as RTSP Proxy

An RTSP proxy is usually deployed in one of these scenarios:

  • when there are multiple users that are receiving a stream and the bandwidth is limited, so the proxy is used to receive the stream once. Users can then connect to the proxy instead of the original source.
  • when there's a NAT / firewall between a stream and the users, in this case the proxy is installed in the NAT and makes the stream available to the outside world.


  • Is the server elsewhere (doesn't seem to fit scenario No. 1 from the link; nor your description)?
  • You already NAT with a Port Forward, so why would you want to install proxy software - taking more CPU and memory?

Perhaps I don't understand the use case...except you only want to stream once from your server...but you still use bandwidth and more resources at the router...
