Hello, I have installed smart dns and I am able to run the dns over tls but when unbalt to run DNS over HTTPS.
I have tried cloudfare, google and also adguard https over dns (both by inserting port 443 in gui and without a port) . I Entered seperately but even though I can see with nslookup and in Luci that smart DNS is running but it does not resolve the DNS qeries.
Am I inserting the dns over htttps address correctly?
Smartnds is very good to speed up DNS queries : https://pymumu.github.io/smartdns/
I read the wiki and also wahtched you tube (in chineese). I have been using for dns tls and find it very qucik.
It is supposed to work with tls, https, udp, tcp. It runs as a dns server instead of DNSmasq on port 53.
Not sure if thoose using it can advice , in case there is any other config to enable https over dns
By the looks of the menu, the first option should update the dnsmasq config to use smartdns as upstream. The second option should try to bind on port 53, but if dnsmasq is still running it will fail.
I tried as suggested above by @ trendy. No sucess and dns resolution completely broke down
I have done a reset now but still no sucess with Https over DNS Resolutions by use of smart dns.
It is interesting as other protocols resolution is taking place