Setup HLK-7628N kit with OpenWrt

Just in case I am not missing something..
Currently the router is at address and after upgrading the FW it will turn to the defauld IP address, correct? It will not keep any of the settings since I am using the sysupgrade image.
Or it will keep the IP I gave it and I will be able to get to it on that address
If it falls back to the default address it should be and not the address I got it with, or is it?

Yes. This is the OpenWrt default

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Well... I knew that this will happened.
I just lost the router. I uploaded the firmware * lede-17.01.7-ramips-mt7628-mt7628-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin and it gave me a summary that it is a file that will OK to upload with hash and sizes. I flushed the device and... That is it.. Gone!
I tried to connect to it using and nothing.. I manually changed my network IP to subnet to and I could not see the web interface at all. The device stopped blinking rapidly as it was when I bought it.
Does that means I have "bricked it"?
I would be happy to get assistance on how to get it back to life? Thanks

Eventually I was able to get to the point that I have a working LEDE version 17 Only, it does NOT let me upgrade to any latest version - since it asks for a general image and maybe does NOT want me to use the HLK7628N FW that I have downloaded.
Besides the first FW in the list I posted - NOTHING works. So I am "kinda" stuck with version 17 of LEDE that will NOT let me upgrade to any of the version that I have ready as well.. I am not sure BUT it seems like the free space got reduced after the upload of the FW.

The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.

Only after the upgrade I was able to scan for Wifi - so I now have a way to get internet through that OpenWRT router - BUT I am not sure about that I have been stuck with version 17 ONLY and also that it seems to me that I have lost space that I am not sure how to check and know exactly.

I would be happy if someone can assist with understanding why I am at this situation and how I can make sure that I can upload the correct bin to my device and have it working correctly with the latest OpenWRT version.


Glad that is working,.

Try upgrading next to 18.06.

Yes, that's because the OpenWrt (like almost every modern OS) has grown over time to support new features and technologies. This requires more space. (When I started using the Mac in System 7 days, it required just 10MB Hard drive space. Ventura requires 35GB)

I can ONLY find this FW
Mine is 128M and 32M - the FW is for less.
I truly NOT even sure that I do have 32M after the upgrade I did to LEDE 17.
How can I check that? and will it impact the Device if I will try (if it lets me)to install 16M ?

Tried version 18 and it did NOT let me.
The uploaded image file does not contain a supported format. Make sure that you choose the generic image format for your platform.

Thank you all for your support.
I was able to upload the latest firmware directly through TFTP of which for me was easier rout :slight_smile:
I just went with the latest bin file from the OpenWRT device link page - downloaded the file renamed it to firmware.bin and uses TFTP to upload the file to the router - it finished rather quickly and then rebooted to the new settings i provided.
Now I am on the latest version the vendor provides for that router:

root@HLK-7628N:~# cat /etc/openwrt_release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='OpenWrt 22.03.2 r19803-9a599fee93'

And yes, I was capable to setup radio wifi easy and now it is connected to my AP and have internet connection and also DHCP on iface br-lan.

Thank you all for your support and assistant - I have learned so much on OpenWRT during this procedure and I am glad that I now have the CORRECT firmware for the device and the storage is ~128MB with ~32MB memory as it should be - I now will give it a test for connectivity throughput test with iperf3 and hope it will keep up.

Now after this I truly feel that i am one more step in my Wireless Freedom :slight_smile:
Thank You!

Hi, i also want to upgrade. Can you sent me a link to the image u used?

cd /tmp
sysupgrade -n -v /tmp/openwrt-23.05.1-ramips-mt76x8-hilink_hlk-7628n-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

I can't figure out how to upload firmware through TFTP. I have set up the server, but it's not working with the hlk-7628n. Can't find much info on the web about this dev board. Could you help me and point out the steps you did with your device?