Searching adblocker for best performance

What is the best adblocker for TP Link Archer C6 V3.20

Model:Archer C6Version:v3 (US)
BootCPU:MediaTek MT7621DATCPU Cores:2CPU MHz:880Flash MB:16RAM MB

Define best ?

They should block the same amount of ads, if fed with the same block lists.


That's a pretty low memory device (128MB) and low storage (16MiB). I'd suggest simple-adblock (if you install luci-app-simple-adblock it will install everything you need) and to use the default DNS Service option of dnsmasq.servers. Try and keep the number and size of the block lists down.

The best ad blocker is a combination of ad blockers that includes a browser extension and a DNS-based blocker.

Browser-based ad blockers can block "offending" parts of the content the browser is served. For example, blocking YouTube ads is routine for browser-based ad blockers, but it is not something that router-based ad blockers can do, as content typically (if served using HTTPS, as most sites do today) passes through a router in an encrypted form and is decrypted only in browser.

But browser-based ad blockers have their limitations, too. For example, they can't block telemetry and other "call-home" behavior by operating systems and applications. So router- and server-based ad blockers do have a use alongside browser-based ad blockers.

In your specific case, given the low-power nature of your router, I would suggest offloading DNS-based ad blocking functionality onto a separate device. A few months ago, as an experiment, I put AdGuard Home onto a tiny PC running Debian (one of those super-tiny Beelink deals with Intel Atom X5 CPU, 2 GB of RAM, a 32 GB eMMC module, and a single Ethernet port):

I configured this "server" to forward DNS requests to several public DNS servers in a round-robin fashion over HTTPS and TLS, gave it a fixed local IP address, connected it to the router by cable and designated it as the primary DNS server. And then... nothing. It Just Works™. :smile: I occasionally log into it to look at the stats and update software, but I might as well have forgotten all about it... I just ran uptime on it, and it showed 131 days...

No need for any hw at all, if you run it on a free cloud host.

True. And you don't need a fancy one, either. The added benefit is, the DNS provider receives requests from the cloud server's IP adddress, not yours, so you get to have a little extra cloaking of your online activities.

The larger point (offloading DNS-based filtering onto a separate device other than the low-power router) still stands though.

plus use it on your mobile devices, without exposing your home router.