[SCRIPT] to Send Messages or Files to Telegram

Some basic script to send messages or files to your telegram account. Can be used for forwarding information to your phone.


Hello! Thank you for your script! When I run it on my router I get the following:

: not foundd.sh: line 3:
Telegram Sender


        -t,--token              Provide Telegram bot token
        -c,--chatid             Provide ID to Send to
        -f,--file               File to send
        -a,--audio              Send as Audio File
        -v,--voice              Send as Voice File
        -d,--document           Send as Document aka any filetype
        --text                  Text to Send

        telegram --text "TEST" -c 1111111 -t BoTtOkEn
        telegram -f /somefile -d -c 111111 -t BoTtOkEn

: not foundd.sh: line 21: }
: not foundd.sh: line 22:
: not foundd.sh: line 24:
: not foundd.sh: line 28:
: not foundd.sh: line 29:
/root/tgsend.sh: line 32: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting "in")

What do all these errors mean?

Did you try wget:ing the raw version?

Yes, I downloaded the script with this command: wget https://pastebin.com/raw/LEXk7vfB

didn't you even look at the file after DLing ?
this is why it fails, even when using raw mode.


Should I remove "^M" at the end of each line? How to do it fast? The "replace" function in Midnight Commander's editor couldn't find this, although it displays it and I can delete it manually.

dos2unix FTW

I made my own script that will upload all files from the specified folder and delete them after uploading. Images and videos will be uploaded as images and videos accordingly.