Hello. I have 30mbps VDSL coming to my BTHH5A which is running OpenWrt 19.0, and a Raspberry Pi 3 running OSMC and functioning as a media box.
I was using an Asus RT66AC running a thirdparty firmware as bSamba server with an external portable USB NTFS disk (so that I can mount it on both my PC and the RPi) and also as miniDLNA server .
Now that this router seems to be coming too the end of its life, I am going to remove it off the network. I have 2 options: to connect the disk to BTHH5A or the RPi3.
I know it makes sense to connect the disk to the RPi, but it crashes sometimes, and I don't want that to corrupt the data on the USB disk, so I am considering connecting the disk to the BTHH5A and serving Samba and hopefully mi niDLNA from there.
Do you think the BTHH5A can serve that without affecting its performance as modem-router? It's not currently doing running anything other than out-of-the-box OpenWrt, expect that I might want to install some bandwidth monitoring tool.