Samba- Access is Denied from Windows 10

Hi, got many hours (15-20) trying to get what I thought was simple after buying a 4TB USB drive. I have tried it on 3 routers.
Screen Shot 10-28-24 at 07.38 PM
2 WRT1900 and a WRT3200. All with the same results (see picture) Access is Denied. Also tried for Android and a media player but no error, just failed.
I have used the OpenWRT official install guide, youtube, web search all the same result. I do \ from windows and see the share but never get in. Any log to look at? My Linux was good years ago but have been retired for 6 years so please try and keep it detailed. Or even better some detailed instructions that worked for you. This router is a test bench so no problem starting over with some good instructions

Looking for someone that may have experienced this same problem only.

SMB 1.0 client on Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11: Add or Remove Programs method:

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Make sure you are using latest version of samba.

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Just enable ‘force root’ on the Luci Network Shares page to make sure it opens the folder then troubleshoot your user account. I don’t recommend enabling/using SMB 1.0.

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This is a short tutorial I wrote when experimenting with samba a few years ago. Hope it's still working.

• Add user at OS level
Add a new user by editing below 3 files, add new user at last line of each file, with below information (assume UID and GID 1000 is unused!)

/etc/passwd: USER:x:1000:1000:GROUP:/mnt/usb:/bin/false
/etc/group: GROUP:x:1000:
/etc/shadow: USER:xyzDummyString:16666:0:99999:7:::

replace USER with a real name, GROUP with a real group

• Change password by using passwd command:
passwd USER

• Create a dir to share, and change owner
chown -R USER dirname
• Add a Samba user with smbpasswd command:
smbpasswd -a USER

• In LUCI, under "Allowed Users", enter USER; uncheck "Allowed Guest" for added security.

how did you manage to override a fully filled flash ?

checked the mount point permissions ?

ls -ld /path/to/mountpoint

Guessing not?

well, I don't know where you mounted your flash drive ...
so yes, I was guessing, you however, should know.

Force Root, same error

Well. ME however does not know

that sucks, for you.

but I think it's stated in the luci samba config where the shares are set up....

Like I said " My Linux was good years ago but have been retired for 6 years so please try and keep it detailed. Or even better some detailed instructions that worked for you. "

yeah, that's not happening, unless your Linux was Openwrt.
apples and bananas.

Ya thank you so much

I worked on may systems. Mostly Redhat custom and some VXworks. VOIP PBXs

you can always use the mount command, but I figured finding out via the webUI should be easier....

are you saying only a mechanic who owns the same car as you, can fix your car, if it breaks ?

Did you recheck the wiki and follow it carefully? I've been running Samba and Ksmbd (depending on builds etc.) for years currently no issues on Linux, Android, or Windows 11. Guide is as mbo2o linked above: []

Make sure you install packages for your USB3 drivers, filesystem, then mount your device the usual /mnt/sda1, then point to it in the samba config, then restart samba.

You can do all that in LuCI webUI via two tabs: "System > Mount Points", and "Services > Network Shares". I'm running it right now works great so no issues with current snapshots.