Ruckus R350u support

Hi all, firstposter,

I'd be interested in an OpenWRT support for the R350 unleashed. My coding experience etc. is limited, but I did gather a few things that suggest that the model should be compatible with OpenWRT.

Firstly, from local CLI I have the following mem stats:


------------ Target Used/Free memory ------------
  HRAM : 	11216544/3463520 bytes
 HCRAM : 	1589536/2604768 bytes
  PRAM : 	0/0 bytes
  SRAM : 	60368112/25588720 bytes
 CALDB : 	0/0 bytes
 HRING : 	27904/4352 bytes
  TRAM : 	0/32768 bytes
   BDF : 	0/0 bytes
  HWIO : 	0/0 bytes
PHY_HW : 	0/0 bytes
(null) : 	0/262144 bytes


The same cmd "support"->"support show" from CLI also shows that the default ruckus fw has UNIX.

Not sure about buffer though but what should I be looking for?

Anyway, also I found this: on Qualcomm's website.

The Cortex A53 chip is also shown on for example .

Is there any hope that this will work? The raw specs of the AP should make it a compelling candidate no?

And where should I start if I wanted to contribute?

Figured I would post some more info.

Checking Qualcomm spec sheet reveals parts number IPQ6010 or IPQ6028, source:

I checked this on the Qualcomm web pages. According to tech info depot for example Mikrotik HAP AX 2 has the same parts number in use:<q>[[CPU1+model::~IPQ6010*]]+OR+[[CPU2+model::~IPQ6010*]]<%2Fq>&po=%3FEmbedded+system+type=Type %3FFCC+ID %3FManuf %3FManuf+product+model=Manuf.+mdl %3FCPU1+model=CPU1 %3FCPU1+clock+speed %3FFLA1+amount=FLA1 %3FFLA2+amount=FLA2 %3FRAM1+amount=RAM1 %3FRadio1+chip1+model=Radio1+chip1 %3FRadio2+chip1+model=Radio2+chip1 %3FSupported+802dot11+protocols=PHY+modes %3FOUI %3FOUI+(ethernet)=OUI+(Eth) %3FEstimated+year+of+release=Est.+year&eq=yes&p[format]=broadtable&order[0]=ASC&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p[limit]=500&p[offset]=&p[link]=all&p[sort]=&p[headers]=show&p[mainlabel]=&p[intro]=&p[outro]=&p[searchlabel]=…+further+results&p[default]=&p[class]=smwtable-clean+sortable which is also mentioned in thread Adding support for Mikrotik Hap AX2 - #47 by johnth .