Ah, nuts. I did reboot after upgrading. I wanted to double-check my settings and make sure it wasn't a user error before I posted. The only thing dmesg | logread) ... is telling me now is
Wed Jan 27 15:20:20 2021 user.notice ucitrack: Setting up /etc/config/firewall reload dependency on /etc/config/sqm
I don't feel the need to downgrade. I'll keep an eye on the releases & upgrade when the next becomes available.
Hi, complete newbie here.... failing at [nearly] the first hurdle.
Got up and running OK with rpi4.64-snapshot-25261-2.7.15-2-r15599-ext4-fac and logged in at luci & ssh working on a standalone pc.
First thing I need to do is change LAN ip to On my network I have quite a few devices with fixed ips which know this is the netmask & gateway and it would be a real hassle to have to change them all.
I managed to do a change in luci, and get it to save - however, when I now go to the page /cgi-bin/luci/ is blank because it is returning a 403 forbidden.
So there is obviously more to changing the lan ip on this build than meets the eye.
Could someone tell me how to do it please? - Starting from a new virgin snapshot, perhaps I can get ssh working and then there's a script I can run?
This is not a build specific issue though.
First verify that the PC you are connecting to the router got the correct IP in subnet. Try to clean the browser cache, use a different browser or use private browsing mode.
Can you login with ssh using the new IP?
I already knew I could login by SSH to fine which is what was so mysterious, but you prompted me to have another go in browser incognito mode - and bob's my uncle.
So thankyou - it was a browser caching problem - solved.
Recently I started receiving some weird errors from the RPi, which turned out to be due to rootfs mounted ro. A reboot didn't fix it, nor could I enable the fsck on boot. Eventually it was faster to plug the sd card in my pc and check the fs there.
Maybe it would make sense to enable the filesystem check on boot by default in the image?
edit: could be years before anyone reports back... so it's done...
#on by default... only parsed->cmdline.txt at firstboot to disable user needs to comment out this line for the next upgrade and remove from their cmdline.txt
when I last updated my official-pi-firmware ( to the usb-boot support stable release ) I set my pi-firmware-BOOT_ORDER=0xf14 ... which means try usb first...
my mmc card is hard to get to... so this is better for me... with the default boot order ( 0xf41 ) you'd have to remove (or not have an OS on) the mmc for it to try the usb...
seems the latest build ( 2.7.33-x ) has some statistics cpu alt confs that probably wont get migrated... ( shows per cpu info ... really nice ), may have been on earlier builds but I always migrated my config.
as with dnsmasq... in place updates (from offical repo) are possible, if minimal disruption is absolutely required... and you choose to stay on an 'older' build... ( pity they are not so old tho' ) used to update my router every 6-12months!
up to you... if you have your migration stuff ( sysupgrade.conf ) all setup well... OR you think you might want to install packages... possibly...
the builds are in a little bit of limbo at the moment... due to CVE's / development+testing of usb support...
yesterday I removed the last 'stable' build... ( 2.3.656-15_r15323 ? ) due to the netifd/odhcp6c/dnsmasq/libwolfssl24 bugs... if you have this build ( or earlier 2.3 ) and patched dnsmasq then the other issues are not so 'critical' imho unless your having ppp issues... but only you can really assess how critical you deem them to be...
the current 'testing' (which is by default 'current' due to no other well tested options ) build you mention is 97% stable with just the mentioned sqm starting issues on boot mostly... this may need patching or updating soon also... ( ppp - newer masq )
despite all the warnings, the usb builds are probably 95% fine... ( but imply a user has a dd backup or knows how to edit files in case of issues... )
so the simplest answer is make sure your dnsmasq is up to date or upgrade...
I'm undecided about how to handle all this package update business... longer term... ( suppose it's to be expected tracking master... hope someone makes a 21.x-community which is more basic than this when it's released... there is definitely scope for it )
just keep pushing newer versions? ( and trashing stale repos? )
implement a more general 'security notice &&|| autofix' opt-in option?
provide either script or gui based tools only to do the above?
construct a customised opkg 'fixes' repo OR backport the updated packages into github and/or change which feeds are on github?
suppose i'll just keep going and see what pans out... ( potentially less build users... after 21.x ) depending on who's using it and what they need/feedback...
for my needs the 'just-flash-the-next-version' is working well...
sha256sum binary check handling seems not like '*' in front of the filename anymore... ( semi-important mainline bug if so... need some time to check properly )
you can try again... some other points... if it does not succeed again...
that's the goal... and that is truly great news!!!
if your making use of ctinfo_4layercake_rpi4.qos ... as its in heavy development ( and i'm not really keeping track of versions properly )... i'd suggest you do;
that way... if the next variant has issues or you want to compare versions you can toggle back to 'v1' the next time you upgrade...
( note: it also dumps a 'qosdebug.sh' which dumps some sketchy state values )
( note2: it will likely handle voip poorly in it's current state... i'm not running voip at the moment... so unable to test much or tweak ... but if you add a voip device into the RPI4QOS_GAMING_MACS="11:33" in wrt.ini it should bump it up a little in the short term )