Fantastic build! Everything works great, except wifi. I can't even get 40 MHz reliably, while 80 is right out. And it's stuck on 802.11n speeds. This despite running Raspberry Pi OS with the proper country code a bunch prior and everything.
I'm not here just to complain, though. I dug into the issue of the wifi country code that's been giving this build so much trouble. I found a kernel patch and another patch and discussion around our wifi chip which might give an insight - that being, the kernel may be the culprit, or for whatever reason we're not able to write the country code to the NVRAM. There's some relatedthreads on this forum, though I figure they've already been looked over.
Based on that second patch discussion, I tried to manually add ccode=XX (substitute as appropriate and regrev=0 to the NVRAM file brcmfmac43455-sdio.txt, but the first reboot came back with a lot of scary errors (maybe because I rebooted on the command line?) and the second came back with wifi still not working, so I'm unclear if the driver/kernel is even loading the NVRAM files onto the Broadcom chip in the first place. Or if it is, maybe it isn't reading it back?
Might it be worth asking the nexmon team about this, since we're now using their firmware? I found a related issue and a suggested patch that might help re: firmware, though integration into the settings for OpenWrt is another matter. I might test in a bit.
nexmon was a test (runs ok on my setup except for crashing hard on sysupgrade), will likely switch to linux-firmware ( Apr 15 2021 ) for next build (notes above on how to switch back to that)
After updating to "5.0.77-5" my pi is idling at 1400mhz. before updating it was idling at 700ish. don't remember correctly.
my pi is overclocked at 2000mhz and I'm using rpi-perftweaks.sh_userfileB script.
is this how its supposed to be?
11 steppings ... but most time will be at high or low... hmmmmm... yeah... given its setup to quickly hop to highest most of the time... I can see how having it lower say overnight might be beneficial...
I will add a new variable called PERFTWEAKS_FREQ_MIN you can set to whatever you want...
After a succesful instalation of OpenWrt on a TP-Link Archer C7 router where the wireless worked as expected, I am now trying to install OpenWrt in a RPi 4 using this wulfy23 build. Buts this time the wireless keeps saying that ".. is not Associated" as the image shows:
I already tried to setup the wifi using the web interface, editing the /etc/config/wireless file from the CLI with several different configurations that I found here, enabling the wifi in the raspi-config in a Raspberry Pi OS different microSD, but the result is always the same: "Wireless is not associated"!
The use of the wireless in the RPi4 will be mainly for remote maintenance (I already know that the range is not great) but it would be nice if I could make it work!
Note that the wifi hardware seems to work since if I preform a Scan I get all the SSID around me.
Can someone please help me giving me an hint?
You are right!
Let me try then to help in finding where is the issue.
For that a flashed a the new image I downloaded from GitHub: rpi4.64-snapshot-27663-5.0.77-5-r18711-ext4-fac.img.gz
Notice that after the first boot the "logread -e hostapd" returned nothing!
After a couple of reboots (and only when the "/etc/init.d/wpad enabled && echo YUP" echoed YUP, since the first try I got nothing) I was able to have the WiFi working.
Here is the full sequence of commands from the CLI:
#FriFeb413:25:162022 61.618363][bg]> sysval: eth0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus[0>7]
FriFeb413:25:162022 61.643619][bg]> sysval: eth1/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus[0>7]
FriFeb413:25:162022 61.669295][bg]> disable packet steering [tmp-wip-ini-toggle-restore-etc]
online:5.0.77-5 = onsys:5.0.77-5
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# logread -e hostapd
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# uci show wireless
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# /etc/init.d/wpad enabled && echo YUP
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# cp -a /lib/firmware/brcm1/* /lib/firmware/brcm/
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# reboot
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE> /etc/custom/ shutdown
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39#
#FriFeb413:24:522022 22.514092] everyboot_751-bootnotices> update luci boot banner msgs
FriFeb413:27:302022 25.241848] 27-ntp> BOOTSTATE:TIMESET:step> Fri Feb 4 13:27:30 UTC 2022
FriFeb413:27:562022 device 'radio0' setup failed, retry=0
online:5.0.77-5 = onsys:5.0.77-5
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# logread -e hostapd
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# reboot
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE> /etc/custom/ shutdown
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /40#
#FriFeb413:24:522022 servers found in /tmp/resolv.conf.d/, will retry
FriFeb413:24:522022 22.660791][bg]> /etc/custom/ everyboot
FriFeb413:24:522022 22.733187] everyboot_751-bootnotices> update luci boot banner msgs
online:5.0.77-5 = onsys:5.0.77-5
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /41# logread -e hostapd
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad enabled && echo YUP
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39# cp -a /lib/firmware/brcm1/* /lib/firmware/brcm/
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /40# reboot
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE> /etc/custom/ shutdown
root@rpi4-dca632da63 /39#
#FriFeb413:24:522022 23.238860] everyboot_751-bootnotices> update luci boot banner msgs
FriFeb413:24:522022 servers found in /tmp/resolv.conf.d/, will retry
FriFeb413:31:482022 27.399320] 27-ntp> BOOTSTATE:TIMESET:step> Fri Feb 4 13:31:48 UTC 2022
online:5.0.77-5 = onsys:5.0.77-5
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# logread -e hostapd
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad enable
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /39# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /41# /etc/init.d/wpad enabled
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /39# /etc/init.d/wpad enabled && echo YUP
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /41# /etc/init.d/wpad status
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /41# cp -a /lib/firmware/brcm1/* /lib/firmware/brcm/
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /41# reboot
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE shutdown_57-checkbeforereboot> checking for new boot dependent ini changes
INTERACTIVE dca6000003> /etc/custom/dca6000003 shutdown
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40#
#FriFeb413:24:522022 22.946434] dca6000003[bg]> /etc/custom/dca6000003 everyboot
FriFeb413:24:522022 23.019045] everyboot_751-bootnotices> update luci boot banner msgs
FriFeb413:35:052022 24.687420] 27-ntp> BOOTSTATE:TIMESET:step> Fri Feb 4 13:35:05 UTC 2022
online:5.0.77-5 = onsys:5.0.77-5
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /40# logread -e hostapd
Fri Feb 4 13:24:50 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf (phy wlan0) --> new PHY
Fri Feb 4 13:24:50 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->COUNTRY_UPDATE
Fri Feb 4 13:24:50 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: interface state COUNTRY_UPDATE->ENABLED
Fri Feb 4 13:24:50 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: AP-ENABLED
root@rpi4-dca6000003 /41#
By the way if I do a restore the backup of a working system, in a fresh installation, the settings are restored but the "Wireless is not associated" again.
PS - The wpad is important in all this? The argument of it should be "enable" or "enabled"? Why sometimes the echo (of the YUP) is not performed and sometimes is?
ok, looks like it was disabled was pretty sure i'd set it to enabled again ages ago... but I will need to triple check this...
(odd thing is it's not in my ENABLEDSERVICES yet when I upgrade it starts fine)
thankyou for the further information
there is some historical significance / quirks / stale code probably laying around...
basically most people don't use the onboard wifi... so;
once upon a time I thought I should include it in the list of services which are default disabled within the build
time passed and there turned out to be too many complexities. and an 'opt-in' DISABLEDSERVICES or WIFIREMOVE=1 were introduced for that capability
moral of the story... always check if a service is enabled when troubleshooting... and yes... wpad runs all your wireless ( hostapd and whatnot )
restoring a backup gets you back your config settings but not your service state, so you have to add it to ENABLEDSERVICES for upgrades (just in case, i dont need that for wpad as mentioned above) and manually enable it again if you re-install and it ends up disabled (as discussed above)
in addition to all the above... messing-with/changing the wifi settings can render the wifi in a stale state, this always trips up first time configurers...
cp -a /lib/firmware/brcm1/* /lib/firmware/brcm/
Its completely broken for me as well. Like it can be gotten to work for like a couple hours then wifi is gone.
Only thing im observing is the choice of channels - 5g seems to ALWAYS choose channel 36 and 24g too until I manually make it select a different channel and after switch back to auto.
Fri Feb 4 12:00:05 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf (phy wlan0) --> new PHY
Fri Feb 4 12:00:05 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Automatic channel selection started, this may take a bit
Fri Feb 4 12:00:05 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ACS
Fri Feb 4 12:00:05 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: ACS-STARTED
Fri Feb 4 12:00:06 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy1.conf (phy wlan1) --> new PHY
Fri Feb 4 12:00:06 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Automatic channel selection started, this may take a bit
Fri Feb 4 12:00:06 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ACS
Fri Feb 4 12:00:06 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: ACS-STARTED
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: ACS: Survey is missing noise floor
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: ACS-COMPLETED freq=5180 channel=36
Fri Feb 4 15:58:59 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: interface state ACS->HT_SCAN
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.err hostapd: ACS: Unable to collect survey data
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.err hostapd: ACS: All study options have failed
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.err hostapd: Interface initialization failed
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: interface state ACS->DISABLED
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: AP-DISABLED
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.err hostapd: ACS: Possibly channel configuration is invalid, please report this along with your config file.
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.err hostapd: ACS: Failed to start
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: AP-DISABLED
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.err hostapd: hostapd_free_hapd_data: Interface wlan1 wasn't started
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan1 disabled_11b_rates=0
Fri Feb 4 15:59:00 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: interface state DISABLED->DISABLED
Fri Feb 4 15:59:02 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: interface state HT_SCAN->ENABLED
Fri Feb 4 15:59:02 2022 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: AP-ENABLED