Rpi4 < $(community_build)

Ist there a way to create a cronjob that makes a backup of the system (like on the luci backup/restore page) to upload it to a nas or something?
In other words: is there a shell command to generate a backup?


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This is not community build specific question and you should make new topic, in case search didn't return any results.
In any case my cron is:

15 5 * * * /sbin/sysupgrade -b /tmp/backup-${HOSTNAME}-$(date +%F).tar.gz
19 5 * * * /usr/bin/scp '/tmp/backup-'${HOSTNAME}'-'$(date +\%F)'.tar.gz' 'trendy@nas:/mnt/backup/magiatiko/'
20 5 * * * /bin/rm /tmp/backup-${HOSTNAME}-$(date +%F).tar.gz

Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for!


some additional comments... relating to the backups themselves... part build specific and part snapshot related...

I am in the process of writing a 'backup-helper' that can dump ( or repack ) backups to make them suitable to be restored under the various use cases needed... there are a few conditions under master/snapshot where restoring a backup onto a running system can create issues...

some general notes though;

  • by all means use the traditional tools to create backups for now
  • preferably restore the backup to the same build version ( or ask here about known issues between versionA to versionB there are not that many and mostly relate to builds that are far apart )
  • if restoring to a non-community build... i'd advise you to unpack the backup and restore the bare minimum ( using scp -r ) or check back in and I'm happy to create/test/help with the 'backup-repacker' script...

WIP backup cleaner... highly experimental/messy at this stage ( will be in next build )...

curl -sSL "https://raw.github.com/wulfy23/rpi4/master/utilities/sysupgrade-clean-backup.sh" > /bin/sysupgrade-clean-backup.sh
chmod +x /bin/sysupgrade-clean-backup.sh
######then basic usage for now NOTE: this 'configonly' is the maximum scrubbing option
sysupgrade-clean-backup.sh repack -F TEST.tar.gz configonly replace

( if any wrt3200acm users want a 'noswitchvlan' etc. we can also put this in here )

looks like next build is getting the nice channel analysis feature from ansuel ( and jow + hnyman+picture )

might be helpful especially on this device...

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hope it works, it should if the driver use the standard api.

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when is next build coming?

probably have a testing build up sometime tommorrow at latest... just waiting for the wifi-channel-status stuff to trickle through

'speedtest-ookla' wrapper script is updated edit: bad news as of r15468 speedtest-ookla is broken... fix when I have time...

Is there a known issue with the SQM web UI? I'm running the git-20.339.75073-e54708a standard build (the build before this latest one) and whenever I try to go to Network -> SQM QoS I get an error message: NotFoundError / Resource Not Found.

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top post... instruction number 1...

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I am not smart...problem solved. Thanks!

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I have noticed that if a device does not report a hostname over dhcp, then via the GUI it shows as hostname="-"

If I then try to set that device to have a static lease, then the /etc/config/dhcp file has the entry:

config host
option name '-'
option ip 'xxxxxx'
option mac 'yyyy'

On the next restart of the DHCP server, startup fails because the hostname '-' is deemed invalid

Any ideas how best to resolve?

This should not be build specific issue, so a new topic should be written. One solution would be to set the name manually before you restart the DHCP server.

my pi4 not working as access point
it was working fine on 5GHz but not working on 2.4

config wifi-device 'radio0'
        option type 'mac80211'
        option path 'platform/soc/fe300000.mmcnr/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:0001/mmc1:0001:1'
        option hwmode '11g'
        option channel 'auto'
        option htmode 'HT20'
        option short_gi_40 '0'
        option cell_density '0'
        option country 'DE'

config wifi-iface 'wifinet0'
        option device 'radio0'
        option encryption 'psk2'
        option key '***********'
        option ssid '****'
        option mode 'ap'
        option network 'wan lan'
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the most important question is: did that EXACT setup work before?

remove these... ( cp /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/wireless-backup )

a general rule of thumb with ANY wifi issues is to strip your config back to the simplest possible options... please create a thread in the general forum if you have more issues... as advised previously, for 2Ghz you probably need to

  • set legacy rates ( which may have been removed/altered in master recently not sure what the practical side of that is )
  • preferably set the channel

many go freestyle on their wifi settings... and are puzzled why their wifi doesn't work... simple, then one thing at a time... for a reason... then test and rollback if issues...

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i never tried 2.4GHz before
and after the update i am trying to create guest wifi because my new mi router doesn't support guest wifi in access point like tp link router

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new thread in general forum... link to this post...

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sorry i forgot. It is working now after trying the solution as mentioned in the post you linked.

thanks again :hugs:

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i updated to rpi-4_snapshot_2.3.757-7_r15468_extra_testing

and the changes made to auto upgrade the packages, didn't work.
I used these commands to

start the router.
As i am using DNS over HTTPS with dns.
Internet was not working and router was stuck.

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