RPi Zero + OpenWRT unable to connect to dashboard | Home Network

seems the port isn't working.

have you tried Rasbian or whatever the default OS for the W is ?
does it work there ?

Will try but I have to say that I also tried a different software callef pi-star and there it can connect to the network via the cable

then we can probably assume it works.

is it this HAT https://www.waveshare.com/eth-usb-hub-hat.htm ?

does the USB ports on the HAT work in Openwrt ?

Yes thats whT the keyboard is connected to

Think I found something

In the network config 'lan' section the device is set as br-lan, however in the device section for br-lan list ports is set to 'wlan0'

Should I set it to 'eth0' ?

wlan0 sounds like the wireless ...

is there an eth0 ?

Finally I am in.

In the device section changed wlan0 (wireless lan probably...) to eth0.

Thank you for spending yout precious time with me ...

Another thing I might add for people also connecting their OpenWRT device to an already existing network via modem or wifi: you should turn off OpenWRT's proprietary DHCP by adding the line option ignore '1' in the lan section of the etc/config dhcp file.

Not doing this might lead to irregular behaviour, sometimes OpenWRT's dhcp takes over and sometimes it can't connect to the network at all because your modem's and OpenWRT's DHCP server are in a conflict.

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