RPi 2 - why factory/sysupgrade images for 18.06.1?

I wanted to try my old RPi 2 with OpenWrt but I was left "shocked". Old releases including LEDE
offer just ext4 img that goes to SD card.
But suddenly 18.06.1 offers two files like if they go into memory chip? Have I overlooked something? Or OpenWrt just fits really into small flash memory where theres is just loader to load from SD card?
Then SD card is not needed any more?
If yes, then I have no idea how to load these two files into flash memory.

  • Sysupgrade is used to upgrade a device already running OpenWrt
  • Continue to use the ext4 for initial setup of the RPi
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Sorry, i am not wiser....

Normally "factory" is something to go from non-openwrt to openwrt but not working yet
Then "sysupgrade" is applied on factory-openwrt

Also do not see meaning to have 2 images as it is always going on sd card?


No...it's applied on a device running an older version of OpenWrt to upgrade it to a newer one.

What 2 images!?!?

You are supposed to use the correct image, either to perform initial setup (EXT4); or upgrade (sysupgrade). That simple.

See: https://openwrt.org/start?id=docs/guide-user/installation/generic.sysupgrade

I also use small router A5V11 - no sd card just flash memory.
When you buy it there is inside factory firmware. This accepts only
factory-openwrt image. It is also a must as sysupgrade-openwrt is not accepted. Only after factory-openwrt is uploaded only then you can upload really working sysupgrade-openwrt.

Again, i miss meaning to have 2 images as it is trivial to 'dd' image on sd card, no need to do it over any upgrade.
Also, it is only version 18.xx that suddnly offers 2 images all prevoius releases have only one.
Why shoul i be so stupid to dd factory image and then sysupgrade? I can directly dd sysupgrade on sd card? I do not understand this invention

YOU DON'T DD factory then sysupgrade.

  • If it's brand new, you use EXT
  • If it already runs OpenWrt, use sysupgrade

I really think you're not understanding how sysupgrade works.

:confused: I have no clue what you're talking about.

Yes, this is correct.

It is recommended not to keep settings when upgrading.
Then dd factory image on sd card is the same as upgrading sysupgrade witout settings?
Then i do not see difference and really missing meaning

Correct. Sysupgrading a device does not keep settings.

I don't understand this.


  • If your device CURRENTLY runs OpenWrt, use sysupgrade
  • If it's a new device, use factory

You don't mix images. THAT SIMPLE. Just use the correct image.

This topic is about RPi 2, not A5V11. Two completely different animals.
Please keep questions regarding A5V11 out of this discussion.

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IF my device currently runs OpenWrt why should I use complicated way to do sysupgrade when I can simply dd factory image on sd card?!
I will not keep A5V11 out of this discussion because it uses exactly the same principle factory/sysupgrade method but has got totally different meaning from what you all write here. This is the reason I want to know the whole truth.
Repeat again:
1- I have running OpenWrt so I do sysupgrade but settings is lost anyway
2- I make a brand new clean sd card by putting factory image on sd card with dd command

What is the result difference bewteen these two methods? Except the fact that method 1 can fail if there is already some problem and rubbish on the sd card?

For all practical purposes, the RPi2 factory and sysupgrade image files are identical. The sysupgrade image has additional metadata appended which allows the sysupgrade command to check integrity and compatibility of the image.

Due to the appended metadata, various gui utilities (e.g. GNOME archive manager) report the .img.gz to be "corrupted" which was the reason introduce an addtional factory image without any meta data.

Both images can be written with dd and will function normally. In doubt, simply stick to the factory one - this is what the single image was in previous versions.

See also https://git.openwrt.org/7516a960113d512cb2909f40bd07caf2a6c547b1

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jow - thanx for exhausting explanation

it was not very happy decision to use naming factory/sysupgrade because for devices with flash memory it has different meaning
what I understand from flash based devices (A5V11) factory means image that will be accepted by original non-openwrt firmware, so after upgrading to factory openwrt I get "funny" openwrt that does not work at all but only accepts sysupgrade openwrt that then works normally, is my understanding correct? I think factory openwrt is somehow reorganizing flash memory, where MAC is written and so on....

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