Rpc-sys not generating proper package list

I just updated an ext4 x86 VM with auc -y to latest snapshot (k 6.1.78 r25241-fba79f39f2). rpc-sys is now failing to report installed packages:

$ ubus call rpc-sys packagelist
        "packages": {

According to opkg I've got 264 packages, and examining /usr/lib/opkg/, I see both the status and info/*.control files all look fine.

$ opkg list-installed | wc -l

Tried rebooting, no help. Restarting rpc, '/etc/init.d/rpcd restart', no change.

Then re-installed the rpc-sys module (note that the package has not been changed in over 8 months, so it's almost certainly not a bug in that package):

$ opkg install --force-reinstall rpcd-mod-rpcsys
No packages removed.
Installing rpcd-mod-rpcsys (2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/x86_64/base/rpcd-mod-rpcsys_2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1_x86_64.ipk
Configuring rpcd-mod-rpcsys.

And now it's showing only itself.

$ ubus call rpc-sys packagelist
        "packages": {
                "rpcd-mod-rpcsys": "2023-07-01-c07ab2f9-1"

Anyone got a clue where things are failing? What did that package reinstall change that I can't find in the opkg database?

Aha! Thanks, @daniel !


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