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Take a look here and try to fix your connectivity issue.
ok so I have been able to download all the packages: picocom, kmod-usb-serial-option, kmod-usb-net, kmod-usb-wdm, kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan, uqmi, luci-proto-qmi.
Added the QMI protocol like you said, and same for Advance Settings. All options (Use default gateway, Use DNS servers advertised by peer and Delegate IPv6 prefixes) was activated by default. Assigned firewall zone to WAN.
Modem is not connecting yet, I can not access to internet. I get the message "Error: call failed" on Interfaces>4G Interface (the one I created with the QMI protocol)
daemon.notice netifd: Interface '4G_LTE' is setting up now
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): Waiting for SIM initialization
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): Failed to parse message data
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): PIN verification is disabled
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): Device does not support 802.3 mode. Informing driver of raw-ip only for wwan0 ..
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): Waiting for network registration
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): Starting network 4G_LTE
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17453): Unable to connect IPv6
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17555): Stopping network 4G_LTE
daemon.notice netifd: 4G_LTE (17555): Command failed: ubus call network.interface notify_proto { "action": 0, "link-up": false, "keep": false, "interface": "4G_LTE" } (Permission denied)
Make sure APN is correct, set IP type as IPv4 only.
You do not need to activate Delegate IPv6 prefixes
Please use forum formatting ("Preformatted text") when you post your log snippets.
Edited last message to post the correct way. Now with the last changes you said, it is working! Thank you!!
Glad you got it working.
Now check how old the modem firmware is.
Connect to the modem via terminal:
picocom /dev/ttyUSB2
and send ATI
Can you be more specific about how to do that?
I am having another problem, connection is really low: downloads 2mbs, uploads below 0. Do I need to install usb-modeswitch packcage?
You should have picocom
installed according to my previous recommendations, now you need to run it from the command line.
You don't need to install usb-modeswitch
, otherwise I would have mentioned it.
Yes I installed picocom like you said, but I really have no idea how to access o where it is the command line.
Regarding speeds, I was getting downloads 17mb, uploads 10mb. But now is about 2mb and 0mb. I did a Reset because I was having some problems with the wifi connection (I installed the usb-modeswitch the first time. Made the reset and now is not installed).
I do not know if it is correct what I did, but this is the information I got by cdm.exe, then ssh root@ and then picocom /dev/ttyUSB2:
BusyBox v1.35.0 (2023-04-27 20:28:15 UTC) built-in shell (ash)
_______ ________ __
| |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_
| - || _ | -__| || | | || _|| _|
|_______|| __|_____|__|__||________||__| |____|
|__| W I R E L E S S F R E E D O M
OpenWrt 22.03.5, r20134-5f15225c1e
root@OpenWrt:~# picocom /dev/ttyUSB2
picocom v3.1
port is : /dev/ttyUSB2
flowcontrol : none
baudrate is : 9600
parity is : none
databits are : 8
stopbits are : 1
escape is : C-a
local echo is : no
noinit is : no
noreset is : no
hangup is : no
nolock is : no
send_cmd is : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rz -vv -E
imap is :
omap is :
emap is : crcrlf,delbs,
logfile is : none
initstring : none
exit_after is : not set
exit is : no
Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready
Looks good so far, now send the command and show the response.
Terminal ready
Revision: EC25AFAR02A06M4G
What I can not understand is why I got about 20mbs for upload/download and now only about 2mbs.
Firmware looks old to me, I suggest checking with Quectel regarding the upgrade.
The low speed may be caused by the signal level, band used, network conditions, etc. All that has no direct relation to OpenWrt.
Maybe something related to the settings of the modem/router? The same account is working at 20mbs for uploads and downloads if I install the Sim Card on a phone with 4G. Same place, same hour.
And on the first attempt to make the we826 work, I got the same results. After the reset and reinstall all the packages again, I got those low speeds. Thanks again for all your tips!
You have a EC25-A, from Quectel. Which usually is for AT&T or Telekom, in the USA.
Proper modem settings for QMI are a bit "black magic", depending upon various factors. And might take a lot of time to find. A reasonable source is
There you should find some info regarding modem settings, OR even to try their firmware, based on openwrt.
There is any way to see if the modem is connecting on 3g or 4g? For the speeds I am getting it seems it is connecting on 3g. What I can not understand is why on first attemp (first firmware update) I got good speeds. I remember I followed some of the instrucctions here before the new 4G Interface started to work (it was on IP Type IPv4/IPv6 and it should be on IPv4).
What I did was: installed usb-modeswitch package, maybe some of the optional packcages and added wwan
Yes. Check the Quectel docs for your modem. You might join Quectels forum, or rooters forum. Now you are asking about non-openwrt issues.
As shown in the OpenWrt doc:
root@OpenWrt:~# uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --get-signal-info
You can obtain the same information using AT commands.
Check with your carrier regarding tethering and using their SIM with a router.
now I can not access to the modem via terminal, when I type ssh root@ I get the next message:
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in C:\\Users\\perro/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending ED25519 key in C:\\Users\\perro/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
Regarding the carrier I use, it was working ok even on 3g with the old firmware, there are no restrictions with routers use. On 3g I got 5mb downloads and 8mb/s uploads. Now I get 2mb/s downloads and 0.2mbs uploads.. something is wrong with that.
It is possible to re-install the same firmware again y make a clean install?
That key mismatch can be ignored. It's just because of the change in host key.
Just issue ssh-keygen -R
and you'll be good to go.
For the 4G/5G modem users out here - how do you manage automatic reconnection when ISP disconnects. ModemManager doesn't automatically reconnect. So what do you use to ensure your modem reconnects on any ISP-triggered disconnection?