Resolv-file is missing in 2.86 dnsmasq

Hi All:
My openwrt version is 19.07. When we upgraded openwrt version from 2.80 to 2.86. We're having issues with Resolv-file is missing, does anyone have experience with this?

line 7929: Fri Jul 1 15:27:59 2022 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13950]: directory /tmp/resolv.conf.d/ for resolv-file is missing, cannot poll
line 7931: Fri Jul 1 15:27:59 2022 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13950]: FAILED to start up
line 7932: Fri Jul 1 15:27:59 2022 procd: Instance dnsmasq::cfg01411c s in a crash loop 7 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash

Best Regards,

Dear frollic,

Would you have any suggestion method about upgrade dnsmasq?
Could your recommend upgrading openwrt instead of upgrading dnsmasq?

Best Regards,

yes, or downgrade the package.

could you please verify the directory structure exists? if not create mkdir -p /tmp/resolv.conf.d/ first. then restart service dnsmasq restart.